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سؤال ياخوان بخصوص تصميم ارجو المساعده

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • سؤال ياخوان بخصوص تصميم ارجو المساعده

    السلام عليكم

    اخواني ارغب في عمل تصميم لجزيره وسط البحر

    وشاهدت تصاميم في المنتدى قريبه من ذلك

    ممكن ياخوان تشرحون لي كيف اعمل جزيره وسط البحر

    وشكر لكم

  • #2
    هذا الدرس من أروع ما يكون


    إستمع إلى أبو موسى الجزائري و هو يقرأ ســورة المطففين
    " وَمَن يَعْمَلْ سُوءاً أَوْ يَظْلِمْ نَفْسَهُ ثُمَّ يَسْتَغْفِرِ اللّهَ يَجِدِ اللّهَ غَفُوراً رَّحِيماً "
    سورة النساء 110


    • #3
      بارك الله فيك اخي رضا نعم هذا ماكنت ابحث عنه

      ولكن الموقع محجوب عندي هل من موقع اخر وجزاك الله خير


      • #4
        جزاك الله خيرا أخي رضا ..

        وهذا محتوى الموقع أخي سينما 4 :

        Pingo's island scene - a walkthrough

        Where: Cinema 4D
        Author: audity
        Created: 9/6/2003
        Last Revision: 9/6/2003
        Skill Level: Intermediate
        Viewed 325 times.

        Pingo explains to us how he created his island scene - the winning image of the June Cinema 4D challenge.


        This is a quick walkthrough of the creation of the scene "Island", from Renderosity's June Cinema 4D challenge. This is not a tutorial but an explanation.

        Please refer to the file island.c4d, available here :

        Pingo's island

        The scene is in cinema 4d 8.1 format. This image took 10 minutes to render on my Mac (Dual G4 800) and about 3 minutes on my PC (Dual AMD 1600).modeling the scene 1

        First I created a fractal landscape object and a simple floor object to act as the water. There's a compositing tag on the floor, because I don't want the water to cast shadows. I will fake that.

        I loaded a camera and flew around the island while changing the size of the fractal object until I had a nice shot. The island looked a bit rough. I could have increased the amount of segments of the fractal object, but instead I dropped it in a HyperNurbs object (editor subdivision: 1 / render subdivision: 2). Then I could always turn the subdivision off if the scene became too heavy to navigate.modeling the scene 2

        I loaded a sun light and made it slightly warm and over-lit. It's a distant light with hard shadows. the shadows are slightly transparent. I added a sky object and was half way through...texturing the sky

        For the textures I started with the sky. I made a standard material and turned color and specular off. I turned luminance on and loaded a bhodiNUT gradient in the image field. Click edit to have a look at it.

        I changed the direction to 2D - V and made a nice horizon. I also made the color of the water in there, from dark blue to a greenish below. As my water was going to be transparent I knew I was going to need this.

        I wrapped the sky texture on the sky object.texturing the water 1

        Then the water. Again a default material: color turned off, transparency and bump turned on. The refraction is set at 1.33, and fresnel is active. I loaded a bhodiNUT fresnel shader in the image field. Click on it and notice that the gradient is colored and isn't linear.
        texturing the water 2

        In the bump channel, I loaded a bhodiNUT Fusion shader. Click edit and look at the two bhodiNUT 2D noise shaders in the blend channel and base channel. The blend channel is the small ripples and the base channel is the swells.

        The specular is a bit pointy to make sharp highlights.
        texturing the sand 1

        Now for the sand. This was a bit tedious. First I loaded a bhodiNUT gradient in the color channel. I noted the values for the gradient because I wanted to use them throughout the texture.

        The gradients can be difficult to control and you might not be able to place the colors exactly at the right position, but a good idea is to make the colors first, then numerically place the knots afterwards.

        I selected a flat projection.

        In the luminance channel, I faked a caustic effect on the sand bottom with a Sema bhodiNUT 3D noise. I chosed a 3D noise because then the flat projection is overruled.

        The bump channel is quite deep. Look through it and notice how the values from the color gradient are used over and over again.
        texturing the sand 2

        The alpha channel is the key to this image !

        I wanted the water to get more transparent in the shallows. Cinema 4D isn't very good with fog, so I faked it with an alpha: as the island becomes deeper, the alpha gives way to the sky material, which is blueish at the horizon and greenish at the bottom, like in the reference picture.

        There's nothing special in the specular channel, but I didn't want the sand to shine, so I made a mask in the specular color. Finally, I adjusted the illumination. I chosed a blinn shader instead of phong and changed the diffuse falloff.
        the clouds

        Now look at the clouds (bigclouds). They are made of 3 floor planes, with bhodiNUT's galore.

        The 3 textures are almost similar, except from Low clip, High clip and contrast. When I put these layers on top of each other and add a banj luminance channel, the shadows are passed through, and the clouds become dark on the bottom. I've angled the cloud layers a little bit. They actually intercept the water at some point, but that's not visible.lighting the scene

        There's a soft spot light, directly from above. I've changed the shadows so they just cover the palm trees and the raft. I wanted big soft shadows underneath the objects. Then I added a directional light from the bottom that lights up all the objects from below - classic bounce fake.

        Now the problem is that the scene seems to have 2 suns. This is because the clouds cast shadows onto the island. To make it look natural, I would have to move the cloud layers around, and find a hole in the clouds, but I was satisfied with the way they looked at their original position. So I simply duplicated the sun and in the first sun I excluded the clouds and in the other I included them (light's scene tab).

        There's more light exclusion in the scene. I've excluded the palm trees and the clouds from the bottom light. They both have a banj shader and become too bright and if they are lit from the bottom.

        I wont get into the raft, rocks and palm trees, they simply do not pass quality control. Feel free to have a laugh at them

        Have fun with the scene.


        نحتاج مصممي ثري دي (Cinema 4D/3D Studio Max) لتصميم فلم ،،
        ..:: ورشة عمل فلم ثري دي ::.. ++ شــــــاركــــــــــــونا ++
        اللهم اصلح لى دينى الذى هو عصمة أمرى وأصلح لى دنياى التى فيها معاشى وأصلح لى آخرتى التى فيها معادى واجعل الحياة زيادة لى فى كل خير واجعل الموت راحة لى من كل شر.

        كفارة المجلس
        سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتْوبُ إِلَيْكَ

        تعريف كلمة "منتدى"


        • #5
          بارك الله فيك اخي يوسف والله خجلان منكم ولكن للاسف ولاصوره ضاهره عندي من الدرس

          اذا مايتعبك تحملهم مره اخرى واكون شاكر لك وجزاك الله خير


          • #6
            بارك الله فيكم أخواني على هالدرس الجميل
            وأقول للأخ يمكنك عمل ذلك بواسطة عمل مكعب وزيادة التقسيمات فيه ثم تحريك بعض النقط أو الأسطح لعمل
            التعرجات في الجزيرة .
            حاول أخوي ثم شوف الدرس أنفع لك .
            موفق يارب


            • #7
              بارك الله اخي ولكن انا مبتدا

              وماصدقت وجدت الدرس ارغب فقط بالصور لكي اعرف ماذا افعل تحديد

              وجزاكم الله خير لو احد يتكرم ويرفع لي الصور اكون شاكر له بانتظاركم بارك الله فيكم


              • #8
                تفضل أخي ، رابط PDF :


                نحتاج مصممي ثري دي (Cinema 4D/3D Studio Max) لتصميم فلم ،،
                ..:: ورشة عمل فلم ثري دي ::.. ++ شــــــاركــــــــــــونا ++
                اللهم اصلح لى دينى الذى هو عصمة أمرى وأصلح لى دنياى التى فيها معاشى وأصلح لى آخرتى التى فيها معادى واجعل الحياة زيادة لى فى كل خير واجعل الموت راحة لى من كل شر.

                كفارة المجلس
                سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتْوبُ إِلَيْكَ

                تعريف كلمة "منتدى"


                • #9
                  بارك الله فيك اخي يوسف اعجز عن شكرك

                  جزاك الله خير ونفع بك بارك الله فيك


                  • #10
                    العفو أخي سينما ،،

                    هذا واجب ..

                    نحتاج مصممي ثري دي (Cinema 4D/3D Studio Max) لتصميم فلم ،،
                    ..:: ورشة عمل فلم ثري دي ::.. ++ شــــــاركــــــــــــونا ++
                    اللهم اصلح لى دينى الذى هو عصمة أمرى وأصلح لى دنياى التى فيها معاشى وأصلح لى آخرتى التى فيها معادى واجعل الحياة زيادة لى فى كل خير واجعل الموت راحة لى من كل شر.

                    كفارة المجلس
                    سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتْوبُ إِلَيْكَ

                    تعريف كلمة "منتدى"

