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ظهر المنتظر :) ... 3dvia Mp .

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مشاركات جديدة

  • ظهر المنتظر :) ... 3dvia Mp .

    بعد فترة طويلة ... وبناءاً على الموعد المرتقب وهو الربع الأول من عام 2008 ظهر أخيراً البرنامج المعلن عنه بواسطة شركة ال Virtools ، والذي سيتيح لك بكبسة واحدة إخراج ألعابك إلى جميع الكونسول المختلفة .. من البلاي ستيشن 3 إلى الإكس بوكس 360 .. إلى ال Wii ومروراً بال PSP .

    الآن أصبح بالإمكان التمتع بالمزايا التالية :

    A Framework to Create Stunning, Lifelike Experiences in 3D

    Seamlessly interact with the streamlined production environment while leveraging cutting-edge game development technology:
    • Simple media integration
    • Innovative behavioral engine to visually create interactivity
    • Friendly reusable templates
    • Gameplay tuning and scenario refinement
    • Advanced performance optimization process
    • Powerful debugging tools
    Turn Concepts into Production-Ready Games - Fast!
    • Optimize the way you design and develop games and shorten your production cycles
    • Create and reuse gameplay templates
    • Create prototypes in a compressed time frame by incorporating digital content quickly
    • Utilize the library of included Behaviors to define interactions and scripted activities
    Collaborative and Flexible Platform for Maximum Productivity
    • Developers, artists, designers and scripters work simultaneously on different key development functions with a controlled access to project datas
    • Easily manage development, modifications and version control of your programming processes for large and small team
    • Benefit from native content management providing the abstraction layer to plug into leading tools (Alienbrain™, Sourcesafe®, Perforce®, etc.)
    • Update once and synchronize to all dependencies: better management and control capabilities thanks to .xml file formats organization
    • Maintain the interaction at all stages of the production process and enable frequent and rapid iterations
    Create Once – Publish to Multiple Platforms
    • Create a master version of your game that will run on leading PC, console and online platforms
    • Configure your content for optimized compilation on PC, Xbox 360™ or PlayStation® 3
    High-End, Realistic Real-Time Rendering Engine
    • 3DVIA MP leverages advanced hardware functionalities: native support for multi-core processing, advanced shaders and lighting
    • Benefit from a customizable, scriptable rendering pipeline and an extensible API
    • Take advantage of textures, levels/stages and custom assets streaming capabilities, as well as level of detail, occlusion, culling system, animations, etc

    للمزيد .. على الموقع التالي

  • #2
    قوية جدا جدا .....................


    • #3
      الصراحة اذهلنى هذا الخبر الرائع
      مشكور يا غالى على هذا الخبر المفرح جدا جدا

