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Lightwave 9.6

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  • Lightwave 9.6

    قريبا من نيوتك الإصدار الجديد 9.6.

  • #2
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة jay3d; 02 / 01 / 2009, 10:00 AM.


    • #3
      وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      اشكرك على الخبر

      الرجاء الالتزام بالـ nda
      ماذا تصقد بال nda

      تحياتي لكم


      • #4
        التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة jay3d; 02 / 01 / 2009, 10:01 AM.


        • #5
          افهم من كلامك ان الاخ ماك يعمل في الشركة
          اذا كان كذلك نعم فلا بد من حفظ اسرار الشركة حسب الاتفاق

          اما اذا كان سمع خبر ويود المناقشة مثلا ولديه بعض المعلومات عن التطورات فهذا موضوع اخر


          • #6
            التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة jay3d; 02 / 01 / 2009, 10:01 AM.


            • #7
              ولكن طريقتك غريبة في الرد عليه واسناد الايات وكأنك داخل في معركة !!! غربية
              يمكن الاخ نسى او يقصد غير شيء
              اذا تريد تكلمه بالأتفاقية كما تزعم كان المفروض ترسله رسالة بخصوصها

              كفانا تجريح لبعضنا خاصة هذا الاسبوع وغزة مجروحة ولازال الجرح ينزف

              الله يهديك


              • #8
                أيها المبدعون لا أدرى ما سبب كل هذا النقاش , الأمر بسيط .. الأخ Mac أعلن أنه سيكون هناك إصدار جديد قريبا دون ذكر أى تفاصيل معلوماتية أخرى , مجرد هذا الخبر هل يضر الشركة فى شيئ؟ المعروف أن كل برامج الثرى دى تقوم بعمل إصدار جديد وأحيانا إصدارين كل عام , يعنى أنا متأكد من الآن وأعلن على مسئوليتى أن هناك إصدار جديد من مودو بعد شهرين أو 3 وأيضا سيكون هناك إصدار جديد من XSI بعد إنضمامه لشركة أوتوديسك بدون أن أكون من العاملين فى أى من الشركتين .. فهل ترون أن هناك أى ضرر لأحد من هذه الأخبار؟


                • #9
                  أيها المبدعون لا أدرى ما سبب كل هذا النقاش , الأمر بسيط .. الأخ mac أعلن أنه سيكون هناك إصدار جديد قريبا دون ذكر أى تفاصيل معلوماتية أخرى , مجرد هذا الخبر هل يضر الشركة فى شيئ؟ المعروف أن كل برامج الثرى دى تقوم بعمل إصدار جديد وأحيانا إصدارين كل عام , يعنى أنا متأكد من الآن وأعلن على مسئوليتى أن هناك إصدار جديد من مودو بعد شهرين أو 3 وأيضا سيكون هناك إصدار جديد من xsi بعد إنضمامه لشركة أوتوديسك بدون أن أكون من العاملين فى أى من الشركتين .. فهل ترون أن هناك أى ضرر لأحد من هذه الأخبار؟
                  كلام سليم

                  ما حصل شي سوء تفاهم فقط


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      على ما يقولون انها ستكون اخر سلسلة 9XX يعني النسخة الجاية ستكون 10 ان شاء الله
                      لا اعلم متى تصدر
                      تقول الشركة انها افضل نسخة ستكون وايضا افضل نسخة تعمل على الماك

                      وهذه التطورات التي حصلت

                      When you see the list of new features and enhancements (sans bug fixes) in one place, it really puts the cycle into perspective:

                      Bullet List Version:

                      LightWave v9.6 Feature Overview


                      * Modeler in the Windows version now does drag and drop for files.


                      * Added drag-and-drop to the UI or the program icon for Layout Windows version, supports audio, lwo, lws, obj, images.
                      * Added drag-and-drop of image files to the Image Editor.
                      * Drag-and-drop extended to support .srf and image files dropped into the surface and texture image panes.
                      * Dynamic Range Limit enhanced to provide a range, with Minimum and Maximum values in the Image Processing window. Negative values also supported.
                      * Implemented "Exclude From Volume Stack" for surfaces.
                      * Added the new raytrace functions (see SDK section) into volumetrics and pixel filters.
                      * Added control script for setting the Radiosity Sample Diagnostics Flags.
                      * The Radiosity Flags (Render tab/Utilities/Radiosity Flags) are now stored in the scene file.
                      * Added ability to lock down Z buffer minimum and maximum range for export, for improved compositing compatibility:
                      o Minimum sets the 0 point in the buffer.
                      o Maximum sets the 1 point in the buffer.
                      * Added snapping to item position (specifically to pivot point) when dragging items in Layout.
                      * During Layout's bone re-parenting process, it now notifies plugins of the new bone item being added as well as the old bone item being removed.
                      * Package Scene has undergone a significant rewrite:
                      o New option "Preserve Existing Structure," will attempt to preserve all directories and subdirectories that are under the current Content directory when copying assets to the new content directory.
                      o New option "Reload Old Scene," reloads the original scene after exporting.
                      o Changed handling of Radiosity cache files, to work with the new Radiosity path behavior. Will also respect file structure if Preserve File Structure option is selected.
                      o Added an option for Radiosity cache files to be included in the package or not.
                      * Added an option to draw wireframe handles and gizmos using antialiased lines. This improves the look of bones quite a bit. The "Handle Wire Smoothing" setting is in the Handles&Icons tab of the Display preferences panel. 0 (default) is off, larger values make the lines thicker (7 seems to work well). If set, this value also controls the line thickness of the grid, if grid antialiasing is enabled.
                      * Made Parent In Place more aware of scaling sign.
                      * Two new Lscripts for working creating or assigning handles have been added: Create Handle, Assign Handle.
                      * Enhanced Viper performance for all modes on all platforms.
                      * Added new Mirror Hierarchy generic LScript.
                      * Added Foot Printer LScript for automatically adding footprints to a character scene.

                      Layout and Modeler

                      * Added Windows 32-bit with SSE2 optimizations as new platform.

                      Enhanced Integration Capabilities

                      Collada and FBX I/O

                      * Rotation and scale animation export have been added to Collada.
                      * Controls for scaling have been added to FBX import and export.
                      * Implemented converting the filename to utf8 for the FBX library to save non-ASCII filenames.
                      * FBX: now exporting Bezier interpolated Animation curves.
                      * FBX:
                      o Converting TCB->Hermite->Bezier on export.
                      o Importing FBX animation curves as Bezier.
                      * FBX: now using the last UV mapped texture layer for color UV map export.

                      OBJ I/O Plugin:

                      * Allow the user to determine if the new OBJ exporter will or will not merge points in export with a new option, OBJ Merge Points.
                      * OBJ I/O: Added ZBrush Mode to for fully compatible import and export with ZBrush. The importer will read in the object with Zbrush selection sets (groups) intact.

                      Node Editor Enhancements

                      * New material node, Carpaint.
                      * New procedural based off the carpaint material, "Flakes".
                      * New node, Curve, for editing gradients using curves. Curve Node Enhancements:
                      o Added a toggle to turn on "key creation mode" for the Curve node.
                      o Made the viewport in the Curve node pan with ALT+LMB.
                      o Added a toggle button to turn on "stretch mode". The stretch mode works as follows: Left button stretches the values(Y), and holding down CTRL stretches the positions(X).
                      o Changed the coloring of the grid area in the Curve node to separate the workspace from the position/value scales.
                      o Added Copy, Cut and Paste functionality to the Curve node.
                      o Added undo/redo functionality to the Curve node.
                      o Selecting keys with shift held down will add keys to the selection, and holding ctrl will remove keys from selection.
                      o Clicking on the gradient at the bottom of the graph will popup a color requester and add a key with the selected color.
                      o Changed the control point handle lines to stippled lines.
                      o Made different curve types conform to each other when lock control point is on.
                      o Made the the opposite side control point highlight when lock control points is on.
                      * Improved the accuracy of the cubic bezier used in the Curve node.
                      * Added a "Partial Internal Reflections" toggle checkbox for Dielectric. Toggle this on for full accuracy with internal reflections, or off to allow for faster rendering when full-on accuracy is not required.
                      * Added the new raytrace functions (see SDK section) into materials and shaders.
                      * Implemented buffer writing for all materials and all shading models.
                      * Made the shadow buffer work with most material nodes.
                      * Updated Nodes use the new smarter "AA" aware sampling developed for the Renderer.

                      IK and Animation Systems

                      * Compensation and flexing for joint bones now takes into account any bending, not just pitch angle.
                      * Added bone bulging, which causes a radial distortion based on bone stretching and bending (for parent bulging only bending).
                      * Made bone bulging textureable.
                      * Added a general bone deformation displacement texture. The input parameters for texture gradients include:
                      o Bend: angle between bone and parent bone.
                      o Bulge Falloff: bulging falloff along bone (0 at ends, 1 in the middle).
                      o Bulge: radial bulging factor away from bone.
                      o Distance
                      o Angle from Inside: angle of point along bone radial, with 0 being the direction facing the parent bone.
                      * Added ability for bones to be reparented to different objects. This allows inserting nulls in a bone hierarchy.
                      * The default name for joints is now "Joint" instead of "Bone".
                      * Tweaked the picking of joints to make it easier to pick them instead of the bones between them.
                      * When the bone part of a joint bone is selected, the axes are now effectively locked.
                      * Added option to use double-clicking to enter and exit bone selection mode. The option is in the General Preferences tab ("Dbl. Click Bone Mode"). When on, a double-click is needed to select a bone when not in bone mode. And when in bone mode, a double-click is needed to select a non-bone. The default is off.
                      * The IK solver has undergone another major rewrite for much greater stability and improved handling of legacy scenes.
                      o Maestro-generated rigs now appear to work properly again.
                      o Made significant changes to Go To Goal, to make it less jittery.
                      o Better behaviour near full extension
                      o Added a check for very slow error reduction, which allows the solver to stop sooner
                      o Changed the way controller stiffness, goal strength, and controller limits influence the solver.
                      o Changed "Go To Goal" IK to a hybrid second order method, which solves an issue with the chain going nuts when the goal is moved far away.
                      o Some optimization if the second order derivative of the motion matrix is known to be zero.
                      o Slightly changed the way stiffness is applied. This helps a bit to get closer to the goal near full extension.
                      * The deformation settings for a bone are now hidden if the joint part of a joint bone is selected, with the exception of zero-length joints.

                      Lighting System

                      * Improved the sampling for the photometric, spherical and dome lights, which greatly improves quality.
                      * Spherical light now has a default size of 100mm rather than 0.


                      * Added support for multiple FiberFX instances on a single mesh. Cloned FiberFX instances have a "(#)" appended to the object name in list. Deactivating a cloned instance removes the entry from the list.
                      * Added stereo rendering ability to FiberFX.
                      * Enabled multi-threaded depth buffer raycast to allow the pixel filter to operate with the raytraced cameras, including features such as Depth of Field and Photoreal Motion Blur.
                      * FiberFX has been enhanced to work with all subd orders. This allows using imported mdd files.
                      * Added occlusion culling of fibers. Speedup depends on how many fibers are behind in the z buffer.
                      * Added right mouse button menu popup with clone command.
                      * Reworked mouse deltas for better combing. Comb direction is now independent of starting point.
                      * Changed clamping of color values to support HDRI. Added dynamic range limits and clamping to LW interface values from the image processing panel.
                      * Added FFx object list popup menu item (Save To Default) to save the current ffsurface as the default to be used the next time a new instance is created. This will allow the user to customize their default settings. Added support functions to save default to user setting folder.
                      * FiberFX now disallows subd changes after editing guides. and enforces the same subd level for preview and rendering, to insure stability of the guide edits. A warning message will be displayed when the preview and render subd levels are different, informing user that these settings need to be matched when using FiberFX.
                      * Optimizations have been made to the FiberFX IK solver.
                      * Revised the way modeled strand fibers are built. Previously they were clones, now they are shortened on the inside of the curve and lengthened on the outside of the curve, following the modeled strand in a more natural way. See image attached below.
                      * Guide edit panel now resets its control state when switching between editing objects.
                      * Added "Random" toggle button for Swirl to make a random starting rotation offset, plus load and save code.


                      * The Classic Camera now uses double precision math like the new cameras. This allows the camera and objects to render correctly even if they are far away from the origin.


                      Radiosity Improvements:

                      * Optimizations to improve the speed and quality of radiosity rendering.
                      * Speeded up rendering of animations when animated radiosity cache is enabled.
                      * Optimization to speed up the radiosity sample searches.
                      * Optimization to speed up radiosity preprocessing when the Multiplier is more than 100%.
                      * Reduced the noise for area lights and non-interpolated radiosity when used in conjunction with anti-aliasing.
                      * Added manual control for the radiosity gradients.
                      * Added manual control for the behind test.

                      General Rendering Changes

                      * Improved the Oversample option for the new camera modes for better antialiasing.
                      * The oversample can now be animated via its envelope.
                      * Added Ray Cutoff to the raytracer, to improve detection and early termination of rays that will not affect shading, which provides speed improvements in some situations.
                      * Implemented the Ray Cutoff feature for the hard-coded shading model.
                      * Limit dynamic range is now applied to the shaded buffers. Examples are the reflection, diffuse, specular and backdrop buffers.
                      * Added new functionality to the access structures to read and write to render buffers from shaders, nodes and volumetric plugins.
                      * The Z buffer value for the camera ray is now available to pixel filters that are rendered multi-threaded.
                      * Multi-threaded pixel filters are now called as if they were single-threaded from the Classic Camera.
                      * Changed the Z Buffer maximum sent to the multi-threaded pixel filters to 2.0E14f, which matches the Classic Camera.
                      * Added the multi-threaded flag to Skytracer for raytraced camera support.
                      * Added cloning of non-multithreaded pixel filters per render thread when pixel filter multi-threading is forced on. This allows multi-threaded rendering when using such pixel filters.
                      * The render buffers are now averaged when requested by a pixel filter plug-in in the ray traced camera modes. This is consistent with the way the buffers are treated for image filter plug-ins.
                      * Pixel filters can now set the z buffer depth and alpha when the primary ray does not hit any polygons.
                      * Implemented the smarter sampling for soft reflections and refractions.

                      Mac/Universal Binaries

                      * Completed the Mosaic mode for the Mac.
                      * Added a Dock menu to the Hub that adds the ability to launch applications, like the Hub Taskbar menu does in Windows.
                      * Added Dock Tile Render Status to the Mac UB version. This updates the dock icon with a progress bar during rendering a frame or scene.
                      * Added Command+R and Command+Shift+R shortcuts for Render Frame and Render Scene. Newer MacBooks already have up to three different default behaviors for F9, which may make it difficult for users to render with that shortcut out of the box on a new Mac. This allows them to use a more Mac-like shortcut if they want, without disabling that feature for those users who prefer F9.
                      * UB: dialog style windows will bounce dock icon when when the front process so as to alert user a request is waiting.
                      * UB: Made change on quit window a dialog instead of a palette window so it can bounce dock icon when not in front.
                      * UB: Text fields show all selected when focused and previously not focused. It becomes easier this way to replace existing numeric values by single clicking in field and type new value.
                      * UB: Added partial support for SECURE property for a text field, which is supposed to allow for password-style entry.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          أعتذر للأخ ماك والمتيوتي على سوء الفهم الذي حصل، وهنيئا لكم النسخة الجديدة 9.6

                          عملنا طوال أكثر من 4 شهور على تصليح الأعطال في هذه النسخة وهناك أكثر من 100 عطل قد تم استدراكه وبالأخص FiberFX فقد أصبح نظام منيع جدا وجودة أكثر بكثير من السابق.

                          والراديوستي : أصبح اللايتويف الآن أسرع في تصيير الراديوستي في هذه النسخة وبجودة أعلى حتى أنه تفوق على الكل في اختبارات عملية أجريناها طول هذه الفترة من التطوير.

                          الرجاء دعم الشركة لتعمل في تطوير ميزات أكثر بشرائكم النسخ الأصلية للبرنامج (للذي يستخدم نسخة مقرصنة)

                          شكرا لكم وجزاكم الله كل خير، وألهم اخواننا في غزة الجريحة الصبر.


                          • #14
                            اهلا بك اخ جميل , لا عليك لم يحصل شيء سوى سوء تفاهم
                            الله يهنيك , والله يقويكم على اخراج نسخة قوية ثابتة
                            كثير يتكلمون عن المميزات الجديدة في تلك النسخة ويبدو انها قوية جدا
                            ان شاء الله سنشتري النسخة الاصلية ولكن هل الشركة تعاني من نقص في المال ؟ او من هذا القبيل

                            تحياتي لك


                            • #15
                              للأسف نسخة الماك لسى ما نزلت

