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مساعده في البحث في حل الواجب هههههاي

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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • مساعده في البحث في حل الواجب هههههاي

    المساعده ولو من قوقل واكون شاكر لكم
    اخوكم مزنوق ياله شدو حيلكو وابحثو

    b. Define engineering design, mechanical engineering design, and electrical
    engineering design
    c. What is a "good design
    d. Identify different types of design works
    3. a. What is the difference between analysis, design, and reproduction?

    b. Determine whether the following tasks involve analysis, design, or

    i. Find a way to mount a cellular telephone inside a car to permit handsfree
    ii. Find a way to stack cans of beans so that the smallest sized box can be
    used for shipping.

    4. Carry out a futuring exercise to visualize
    a. A homework assignments for GE 105 in the year 2020.
    b. The selling features of a car in the year 2020.

  • #2
    خايف الأبله تضربك يا نوغه...

    أوع تفضل مزنوق كده كتير بعدين يحصلك حاجه,,,

    طيب ما تشد حيلك أنت وتبحث... ولا النوغه أتعود كل حاجه تجى سهلة لحد عنده..,


    • #3
      كل هاض مطلوب منك..........لو كانت معلمتي كنت قتلتها....ههـ


      • #4
        ماهي المشكله ان المقرر مالهشي كتاب

        بس شرح على بوربوينت وليسا مانزلوش حاقه ...
        بائا اشغلو معايا ....


        • #5
          بس أربع أسئلة

          آخر واجب حليته كان 16 سؤال ., كل سؤال 9 فقرات :d

          ما أقدر أساعدك في واجبك ., لأنه صدقني مش من مصلحتك !!
          فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا

          اللهم أغفرللمسلمين و المسلمات ,الأحياء و الأموات


          • #6
            شكلك مخربط بالعنوان.. اسم الموقع : المنابر لتعليم الجرافيك ...
            ركز بالكتاب و الشرح بالحصة وراح تقدر تجاوب ^_^


            • #7
              وعادت حليمة إلى العنقليزية القديمة
              الحمد لله


              • #8
                ياله يا قدعان كل واحد عينو في ورقتو
                ماحدش يبص لورقت زميلو

                دنا من الظهر عمالي ابحث .. لو تعرفوا اي حاجه ,,,اولوها :


                • #9
                  بعشر ثوان استطعت الحصول على التعريف الأول

                  An engineering design process is a process used by engineers to help develop products. The engineering design is defined as

                  … the process of servicing a system, component or process to meet desired deeds. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation.

                  This process can be divided up into a ten-step process, which includes identifying a need, defining the problem, conducting research, narrowing the research, analyzing set criteria, finding alternative solutions, analyzing possible solutions, making a decision, presenting the product, and communicating and selling the product. This process is not universal for all engineers or all processes. Individuals utilize their personal knowledge and experiences to follow the path to design success
                  سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم

                  لاريب أنّ الألم هو سائق انفعالاتي الفظّ ، وأنّ الأمل هو وسيلتي الدائمة لترويضه . لكن .. هل أكون بهذا قد لخّصت لك عملية الإبداع ؟



                  • #10
                    والان خلصت الاغلبيه
                    بس باقي لي 2 :
                    define :
                    1. mecanichal engineering design ?
                    2. electrical engineering desgin ?

                    والله من الظهر وانا متسمر على ها الواجب ...


                    • #11
                      define mechanical engineering design

                      Branch of engineering concerned with the design, manufacture, installation, and operation of engines, machines, and manufacturing processes. Mechanical engineering involves application of the principles of dynamics, control, thermodynamics and heat transfer, fluid mechanics, strength of materials, materials science, electronics, and mathematics.


                      • #12
                        define electrical engineering desgin
                        often referred to as the electrical and electronic engineering (EEE), is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. It is a very broad area that encompasses the design and study of various electrical & electronic systems, such as electrical circuits, electrical generators, electric motors, transformers, magnetic devices & materials, electromagnetic and electromechanical devices, electronic devices, electronic circuits, electronic materials, optical fibers, optoelectronic devices, computer systems, radio, television, telephony, telecommunications, wireless, microwave systems, mobile telephony, radar, data communication, computer networking, nanotechnology, photonics, microelectromechanical systems, etc.

                        بالتوفيق اخي...........

