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إحصائيات لمدمنين الكمبيوتر والانترنت .. مشروع بحث .. (( زيروكس )) .

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  • إحصائيات لمدمنين الكمبيوتر والانترنت .. مشروع بحث .. (( زيروكس )) .

    السلام عليكم ورحمة من وبركاته ....
    قد ابتليت ببحوثات ومشاريع وما الى ذلك .. حمانا الله من ذلك ..
    أما بعد :: ها أنا قد عدت . لكن من دون تصميم و انما معي غرض ..

    عندي مشروع ... من المدرسة .. وكل منا يختار موضوعه .. ويعمل احصائيات عنه ..
    لهذا .. علينا الخروج الى احد المجمعات ونسأل .. دورني

    فكرت في حل للطلاب .. أن يضع كل منا .. مشروعه في احد المنتديات .. وتكون احصائيات عليه .. الطلاب كانوا بيبوسوا راسي .. من هالاقتراح ..

    لهذا .. قررت وضعه هنا .. بين أخوتي .. أرجوكم ساعدوني قدر الامكان .. المطلوب منا 50 شخص .. لا وقالوا نطلع . هاااا .. يسير خير
    لكن .. أجد صعوبه .. فالمنابر لا يجود به اناث كثر .. يعني .. والله مشكلة .. لكن لا عليكم . المنتديات الأخرى ما تقصر .

    المهم .. طريقة الحل .. فقط ما عليك الا وضع ..رقم السؤال وامامه .. A , B , C or D .. وهكذا

    فقط هي 5 دقائق من وقتك وربما أقل .. بارك الله فيكم ... ^^ ولكم مني هديه ستعرفون قيمتها يوم القيامة .. ^^
    المشورع عن ادمان الكمبيوتر .. واحصائيات عنه ..

    Computer addiction

    ?Your age - 1
    20 - 10 *
    30 - 21 *
    40 - 31 *
    More *
    ?Your job -2
    Professional .*
    ?Gender -3
    * Male * Female
    ?Your nationality4 -
    . Gulf region*
    .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*
    .Asian countries*
    .* Europe , USA , Canada & South America
    How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
    * 1 hour .
    * 2-3 hours .
    * 4-5 hours .
    .More than 6*
    .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
    . * If the people hate this person for using his computer a lot
    . * If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
    . If he doesn't know how many times he use the computer*
    . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *
    ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7
    . 2 hours each day *
    . 3-4 hours each day *
    . 5-6 hours each day *
    . 7 or more hours each day *

    8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
    .Chatting with others*
    .Using the computer as an information source*
    .The absence of parents supervision*
    .The miss using of spare time*
    .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
    * Yes * No
    . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
    * Yes * No
    . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
    * Yes * No
    ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *

    With my best regards : Ahmed : HUNTER-119

    وشكرا لكم أحبتي . ويعلم الله اني أحبكم .... <<.. بس يخلص المشروع .. وشوفوا .. بتتحسروا

    دمتم بود .. ||| أخوكم .

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة XEROX; 28 / 03 / 2010, 09:26 PM.
    تخيّل لو أن الكون ماهو إلا خلية في جسم مخلوق ضخم !!

  • #2
    ?Your age - 1
    30 - 21 *

    ?Your job -2


    ?Gender -3
    * Male
    ?Your nationality4 -

    .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*

    How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

    * 4-5 hours .

    .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -

    . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *

    ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7

    . 5-6 hours each day *

    8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
    .Chatting with others*

    .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
    * Yes
    . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
    * No
    . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
    * No
    ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *
    لا شيء بحث جيد


    • #3
      Your age - 1

      30 - 21 *
      Your job -2
      Gender -3
      Your nationality4
      .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*
      How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
      More than 7*
      When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
      If he can't stay without using his computer for one day
      If he can't stay without using his computer for one day * *

      ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7<<<< (Previously answered but any way)
      7 or more hours each day
      What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
      Other:Psychological Reasons
      Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9
      Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
      Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
      ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *
      Consider The psychological & Sociological aspect of such type of addiction
      (وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمُ اتَّبِعُوا مَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ قَالُوا بَلْ نَتَّبِعُ مَا وَجَدْنَا عَلَيْهِ آبَاءنَا أَوَلَوْ كَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ يَدْعُوهُمْ إِلَى عَذَابِ السَّعِيرِ) لقمان :21

      الرد على من قال بحل المعازف



      • #4
        ?Your age - 1

        20 - 10

        ?Your job -2


        ?Gender -3


        ?Your nationality4 -

        Middle East Other Arab countries

        How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

        More than 7

        .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -

        If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
        If he can't stay without using his computer for one day

        ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7

        7 or more hours each day

        8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .

        The absence of parents supervision
        The miss using of spare time

        .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at atime9 -


        . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10


        . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11


        ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *


        • #5
          ?Your age - 1
          30 - 21 *

          ?Your job -2

          .Professional .**

          ?Gender -3
          * Male
          ?Your nationality4 -

          .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*

          How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

          * 4-5 hours .

          .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -

          . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *

          ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7

          5-6 hours each day *

          8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
          Using the computer as an information source*

          .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
          * Yes
          . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
          * No
          . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
          * No
          Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my projec

          لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
          ...قال : كيف قلت ؟ قال : قلت : الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه مباركا عليه كما يحب ربنا ويرضى . فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : والذي نفسي بيده لقد ابتدرها بضعة وثلاثون ملكا أيهم يَصعد بها .

          مشروع قرآنى شامل بمميزات فريدة


          • #6
            ?Your age - 1

            20 - 10 *

            ?Your job -2


            ?Gender -3


            ?Your nationality4 -
            Middle East (Other Arab countries)*

            How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

            .More than 7*

            .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -

            * If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
            If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *

            ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7

            3-4 hours each day *

            8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .

            .Using the computer as an information source*
            The miss using of spare time*

            Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -


            Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10


            . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11


            I Love Direct-X

            سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
            اللهم صلي وسلم و بارك علي سيدنا محمد


            • #7
              Computer addiction

              ?Your age - 1
              More *
              ?Your job -2
              Professional .*
              ?Gender -3
              Male *
              ?Your nationality4 -
              .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*

              How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

              .More than 7*
              .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
              . * If the people hate this person for using his computer a lot
              . * If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
              . If he doesn't know how many times he use the computer*
              . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *
              ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7

              . 3-4 hours each day *

              8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
              .Chatting with others*
              .Using the computer as an information source*
              .The absence of parents supervision*
              .The miss using of spare time*
              .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
              * Yes *
              . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
              * Yes *
              . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
              Yes *
              ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *

              1 Injuries Pressure repeated

              * Tension and stress injuries have become frequent widespread. When the Internet started in the early days, a new generation of computer users work
              For periods of up to 15 hours in one sitting. And then something strange began to happen, as some staff members began to complain of pain does not disappear, but
              Looked as though they are going from bad to worse.

              And are now known injuries tension and pressure that include recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome, and even the phenomenon of thumb yaws (BlackBerry
              Tmb), and thus treated with other problems caused by the workplace.

              So why is this so? The reason is repetition, it is found that our bodies are not designed to carry out operations themselves again and again, loves Vojsomna Kaacolna
              Difference, ie, different movements and disparate Vtkarha several times such as moving the wrist from side to side to use the mouse makes your body is
              So inflamed muscles and causing damage in the joints with the emergence of pain continue.

              The best defense in this way to avoid the ongoing movements is to sit on the seat in front of a computer properly, and take periods of rest
              And moving the body and unrolled. Health experts agree on the need to take these breaks, every half an hour.

              Here we should do some exercise and the extension of the body is designed to treat all areas of tension and pressure, and that the site yoga
              Internet address is located under My Daily yogas ***. Should also remember to use the equipment designed for convenient comfort of the human body
              And respond with, such as a keyboard for that, and balls, which serve as the mouse and replaced, chairs, or seats that can be modified

              2 - the extra weight

              * Magazine reported American Journal of Preventive Medicine in the August 2005 that the man who sits on his desk for six hours a day
              Gallery one more than any other fold to be overweight compared to the others who have active work.

              Persons Albidinon as it is known they are more prone to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and some diseases
              Cancer, as well as many other diseases. The best defense is the movement, as making a move to walk 10 thousand per day. For
              To those who complain of obesity and the inability to control the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends a daily workout of up
              To an hour and a half per day.

              3 - Pain in the shoulder and back

              * Shoulder and back pain caused by laptops, one of the evils of these laptops, they cause freezing and hardening of the thumb position
              When working on the keyboard. The cursor control is a strange thing, too, as well as the development of a computer on your lap, that would cause pain
              In the neck, and the possibility of transferring the laptop and drive from place to place Oakr means used permanently. Did you know that the shoulder pain that
              Caused by the laptop may be the new phenomenon of acquired «to thumb yaws» (BlackBerry Tmb).

              The laptop weight itself is a big weight to a range between four and ten pounds (pound 453 grams approximately). With the addition of a link
              Prepared him for the alternating current (AC), and some printed reports, and mobile phone, and digital assistant special, and keyboard, and identity cards, and other
              Things attached to, if you feel that without the laptop no longer be a portable mobile phone only, can be moved from one place to another

              This is bad for your shoulder and back to. Picture yourself in the security barrier in an airport waiting for your plane to take off after two hours and you
              Carries weight equivalent to ten pounds (4.5 kg) on your right shoulder. What do u think of this tension on the shoulder of what is in fact only a muscle
              Infected wounded. Do not forget Bob computer bag on your shoulder and hovered you're going, we always underestimate the seriousness of weight and risk.

              The best defense here is to raise the computer slowly and with great care, taking into account the carry-mail this notebook on the other shoulder
              To balance the weight between the shoulders, or purchase a pregnant ongoing operation of the computer nurturing roles. Finally, push the stroller rolling this computer, or bag with a bag
              Luggage in front of you instead of withdrawing them, and behind you, you are in this case control the situation better, and thus reduce the damage that may make you.

              4 - eye strain

              * The focus on a computer screen, we Nremc eyes less. This reduces the natural lubrication of the eyes.

              Despite what we see on the screen may appear stable, but the screens all have a rate of Anashi to renew the scene, which would amend the image
              Continuously. The eyes register this continuing volatility, which is a big factor in Ajhadahma especially for those who spend hours
              Long on the screen. Do you think the LCD screen (LCD) provided on the problem, it is like-screen cathode-ray tube
              (CRT) has been renewed continuously formed without noticing eyes.

              Another point is that the eyes is determined to focus on something away with them both just two feet for hours, because the eyes are the best
              When you look at the face of things, which lies about 20 feet or more. When looking at near objects orbiting eyes inward and shrink pupil
              Inside them, which strain the eye muscles and cranial nerves (cranial) that lead to symptoms ranging from redness of the eye and chilled and feeling itchy, and between
              Abehrar consideration and increased glare and increased sensitivity to light. Such symptoms usually disappear with rest. But the symptoms of consideration to the dual drive
              When you return to the home in the evening is a very serious matter.

              The best defense for such cases is to rest the eyes for five minutes per hour of work on the computer by looking through the window and focus on
              Nothing is. Can also walk around the place to allow the eyes to Tertahan.

              Forcibly tried to blink your eyes If the Ajafavhma Izaajank still try to use a drop of moisturizing to combat the drought, but you look for
              Moistened with a drop and not a drop of dealing with red-eye.

              5 - poor blood circulation

              * Poor blood circulation is a matter of terror because they cause blood clots in the arteries due to deep blood clots in the legs and move to
              Lungs, much to the consternation of the passengers in the air years ago. The bad news that it might happen to computer users, but the news
              Good for them is that it may not happen that many.

              In 2003 the magazine reported «Ieropian Respratorre Journal» on the situation of young people in New Zealand suffered thrombosis in the arteries as a result of deep
              Sitting for 18 hours a day in front of a computer, a period is quite long but it is possible to imagine. The best defense for such cases is to stay away
              Also a little about the computer and the extension of the legs Crown ankles If it feels Ptozm, or tightness in your legs, do some light exercise
              To speed up the flow of blood.

              6 - sit bad

              * Back and neck injury due to bad posture: we have to take responsibility for back pain and neck by Atralna way to sit and posture.
              Many people like us with their bodies piled up in front of a computer Mqosj backs Mkhvdi beards, or Rafieha to see the screen. If you are
              Typing on the keyboard have been entrusted with Koaik on your thighs, you do not serve yourself at all.

              To address the issue of the neck first. If you are looking at a computer screen up or down, you are causing pressure and abnormal crunch, paragraphs
              Cervical boring for long periods leads to inflammation and possibly to malfunction or permanent injury.

              With regard to the question of inaction and the back curvature and bending over the keyboard means bending the back and damage it, especially as there was between paragraphs
              CD Kosaid work, or dampers shocks prevent friction paragraphs together and nerve compression. Therefore, a lot of pressure for extended periods
              Long time may cause breakdown of these discs out of place and causing pain, and injuries and less serious injuries may be caused by the withdrawal

              The best prevention or treatment of them is sitting right in standing in front of a computer as if you are trying to balance a book on top of your head.

              That the workplace is important for the effectiveness just like the type of computers they use. Keep the screen high enough so as not to
              Lower your head to see the contents and invested, or set of employers are investing the right furnishings for friendly human body. The cost of the day
              Stawwadk for the costs of medical treatment in the future.

              7 - headaches and migraines

              * Headache and migraine (migraine) of the signs of use of the computer. Has some speculate that those who suffer from headaches are the most
              Sensitive to the renewed Alantashi continuous landscape screen, making them more vulnerable to it. While others speculate that the tension resulting from the elimination
              Long hours in front of a computer, not the computer itself is the cause. It remains also says that computer users suffer from the crisis and tension in the
              Eye Icefounama headache. But whatever the reasons, the reality is that the computer is causing a painful blow to the head.

              The best cure for this is to break the pattern by going through the withdrawal of your eyes from the screen and remain vigilant for any sign of the start of headache.
              If it feels pinch in your head immediately restrain them as the best by moving away from the place of the computer.

              With my best regards : Ahmed : HUNTER-119
              سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم

              لاريب أنّ الألم هو سائق انفعالاتي الفظّ ، وأنّ الأمل هو وسيلتي الدائمة لترويضه . لكن .. هل أكون بهذا قد لخّصت لك عملية الإبداع ؟



              • #8
                ?Your age - 1
                20 - 10 *

                ?Your job -2

                ?Gender -3

                ?Your nationality4 -
                .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*

                How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
                . 5-6 hours each day *

                .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
                . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *

                ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7
                . 5-6 hours each day

                8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
                .Using the computer as an information source*

                .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
                Yes *

                . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10

                . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
                Yes *

                ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *


                • #9
                  ?Your age - 1
                  20 - 10 *

                  ?Your job -2


                  ?Gender -3
                  * Male
                  ?Your nationality4 -

                  .Middle East (Other Arab countries)*

                  How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

                  * 4-5 hours .

                  .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
                  If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
                  How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7
                  . 7 or more hours each day *

                  8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point
                  What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point
                  .The miss using of spare time*
                  .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9
                  . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
                  * No
                  . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
                  * No
                  ) .
                  ((وقل رب زدني علما))

                  التاريخ ليس سوى كذبة متفق عليها !
                  (نابليون بونابرت)

                  إن لَم تشعُر بتناقُض فيما يدُور حولك فاعلم أنّ المسافة التي تُبعِدك عن كوكب الأرض ليست بالقليلة !
                  (مارلن كلافر)
                  chidory سابقا


                  • #10

                    ?Your age - 1
                    20 - 10 *
                    ?Your job -2
                    ?Gender -3
                    * Male *
                    ?Your nationality4 -
                    . Gulf region*
                    How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
                    * 4-5 hours .
                    .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -
                    . * If the people hate this person for using his computer a lot
                    . * If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
                    . If he doesn't know how many times he use the computer*
                    . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *
                    ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7
                    . 2 hours each day *
                    8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
                    .Chatting with others*
                    .Using the computer as an information source*
                    .The absence of parents supervision*
                    .The miss using of spare time*
                    .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
                    * almost
                    . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
                    . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
                    ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *
                    it could have been easier if u used google spreadsheet for this
                    فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا

                    اللهم أغفرللمسلمين و المسلمات ,الأحياء و الأموات


                    • #11
                      ?Your age - 1

                      30 - 21

                      ?Your job -2


                      ?Gender -3


                      ?Your nationality4 -

                      .Middle East (Other Arab countries)

                      لكن افكر بالهجرة الى المانيا او الصين ..

                      How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -

                      .More than 7*

                      .When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) 6 -

                      If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer

                      . If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *

                      ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7

                      . 7 or more hours each day *

                      8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .

                      .Chatting with others*
                      .Using the computer as an information source*
                      .The absence of parents supervision*
                      .The miss using of spare time*

                      .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -

                      * Yes

                      . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10

                      * No

                      . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11

                      * Yes

                      ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *


                      بس لا تزعلوا ...

                      الشكل الخارجي: البنت تحط عطر فوق الكمبيوتر وتضع على الماوس كريم معطر، وطبعا لاننسى الوساده على شكل دبدوب حتى ترتاح اكثر في جلستها.

                      - والكمبيوتر كله (من الخا رج) صور أطفال وفراشات لاصقه والوان قوس قزح.

                      - والكيبورد كل الوان المنيكير على كل حرف.

                      - وفوق الكمبيوتر مشـط ومرآه وقلـم روج .

                      - عند بدء التشغيل ميوزيك رايق اواغنيه رومانسيه.

                      - وخلفيـه الشاشه فيديـو متحرك بالـوان رايقــه .


                      -الملفات محفوظه :
                      باسماء كلها رقه مثل (همس الحب - نبض القلب - نفحات شعريه..... ) واغلبها ملفات شعر وموضه.

                      لنكات الماسنجر: لايخلو ماسنجرها من بيت شعر رقيق جدا وكله ورود. وصورة الماسنجر بنت متلثمه وخجوله.

                      - المستندات الاخيــره:

                      اخرعرض ازياء.

                      كيف تصنعين عطرك بنفسك .

                      صور الفنانات قبل التجميل .

                      صور ممثلين ذو جمال رائع.

                      عند إيقاف التشغيل: البنت عندما تغلق جهازها تقوم بغلق كل صفحه برقه وحنان وعاطفه وتضغط برفق ايقاف التشغيل

                      أمـا كمبيوتر الشـاب ما يعرف الدلــع:

                      -الشكل الخارجي: الجهاز كله غبار وأجزاء منه متهشمه إذاعصب ضربه بيده <<<< الأخ ملاكم على غفلـه

                      - الملفات المحفوظه: كلها اسامي هواش مثل مجلد باسم( المستهتر ،المصرقع، المرعب، )الـخ

                      - الشاشه: كلها صور رعـب ومحششين وسيـارات اخر موديل ومصارعـين ولاعيبــه كره.

                      - ونكات الماسنجر: هكرز 2005، او المرعب ،وغيره من الاسماء اللي تخوف البنات . او نكات تجذبهم مثل المحب- الحنون – الرومانسي

                      - عند ايقـاف التشغيل: مافيه تفاهم على طول يطفي الكهرررررررباء او يفصل السلك على طول مافي رحمه للجها ز

                      وبالطبع لا يخلو من الاثنين ..

                      ارجو ان استفدتم


                      • #12
                        ?Your age - 1
                        30 - 21 *
                        ?Your job -2
                        ?Gender -3
                        ?Your nationality4 -
                        Middle East (Other Arab countries)*
                        How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
                        .More than 7*
                        .When we can say someone is addicted ?
                        If he can't stay without using his computer for one day *
                        ?How many hours stay on the computer to be addict -7
                        . 7 or more hours each day *
                        8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion?
                        The absence of parents supervision*
                        .The miss using of spare time*
                        .Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time9 -
                        yes for Practical reasons,
                        . Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net -10
                        . Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer -11
                        ? Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project *
                        Yes...go and ask some people about this test directly
                        لتحميل درس نمذجة الأناناس ,,,
                        لتحميل كتاب تعليم برنامجBricks'n'Tiles لصناعة الإكساء
                        لتحميل برنامجBricks'n'Tiles


                        • #13
                          ما فهمت و لا شي للانك بتكتب انجليزي و انا فهمان شوي
                          استعمل الحاسوب لمدة 8 ساعات و اكثر
                          و بخصوص بدانا العطلة هذه الايام لمدة اسبوع
                          و ان شاء الله 14 ساعة في اليوم ههههه
                          ربنا يوفقك اخي

                          2D , 3D cHAraCTeR dEsIGn + 3D M0DeLeR


                          • #14
                            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة greatness dzn مشاهدة المشاركة

                            الشكل الخارجي: البنت تحط عطر فوق الكمبيوتر وتضع على الماوس كريم معطر، وطبعا لاننسى الوساده على شكل دبدوب حتى ترتاح اكثر في جلستها.

                            - والكمبيوتر كله (من الخا رج) صور أطفال وفراشات لاصقه والوان قوس قزح.

                            - والكيبورد كل الوان المنيكير على كل حرف.

                            - وفوق الكمبيوتر مشـط ومرآه وقلـم روج .

                            - عند بدء التشغيل ميوزيك رايق اواغنيه رومانسيه.

                            - وخلفيـه الشاشه فيديـو متحرك بالـوان رايقــه .


                            -الملفات محفوظه :
                            باسماء كلها رقه مثل (همس الحب - نبض القلب - نفحات شعريه..... ) واغلبها ملفات شعر وموضه.

                            لنكات الماسنجر: لايخلو ماسنجرها من بيت شعر رقيق جدا وكله ورود. وصورة الماسنجر بنت متلثمه وخجوله.

                            - المستندات الاخيــره:

                            اخرعرض ازياء.

                            كيف تصنعين عطرك بنفسك .

                            صور الفنانات قبل التجميل .

                            صور ممثلين ذو جمال رائع.

                            عند إيقاف التشغيل: البنت عندما تغلق جهازها تقوم بغلق كل صفحه برقه وحنان وعاطفه وتضغط برفق ايقاف التشغيل

                            في مبااااااالغة كثير...مش لهاي الدرجة الوضع عند البنات


                            • #15

                              Computer addiction

                              1 - Your age
                              21 - 30

                              2 - Your job

                              3 - Gender

                              4 - Your nationality
                              Middle East (Other Arab countries)

                              5 - How many hours do you stay on your computer ?5 -
                              4-5 hours // just because I have other jobs otherwise ... all the time.

                              6 - When we can say someone is addicted ? ( you can choose more than one point) ?
                              - If this person doesn't care about anything else but staying hours on computer
                              - If he doesn't know how many times he use the computer*

                              7 - How many hours stay on the computer to be addict
                              7 or more hours each day

                              8 - What is the reason behind computer addiction in your opinion? ( you can choose more than one point) .
                              .Chatting with others
                              .Using the computer as an information source
                              .The absence of parents supervision

                              9 - Do you find it hard to stay away from the 'Net for several days at a time

                              10 - Have you tried, unsuccessfully, to curtail your use of the ' Net

                              11 - Do you derive much of your pleasure and satisfaction in life from being on the ' Computer

                              12 - Do You want to suggest anything to help me in my project
                              no .. sorry

                              بالتوفيق إن شاء الله أخي الكريم ..

                              سبحان الله و بحمده ...
                              سبحان الله العظيم

                              My Albums

