Unconfigured Ad Widget



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مكتبة دروس الماكس ( en ) هدية طباخ ماكس للمنتدى. . . . ( متجدد دائما )

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • مكتبة دروس الماكس ( en ) هدية طباخ ماكس للمنتدى. . . . ( متجدد دائما )

    الدرس الأول

    عمل غرفة بالماكس سريعة بالماكس

    Hello guys I will show how create a 3dsmax 3d interior modeling tutorial.
    I have used following techniques shown below in this 3ds max tutorial.

    [1]-Click on the wall button and create wall like this

    [2]-Choose the Bi fold door now place this

    [3]-Create two plane and set like this

    [4]-Create rectangle with the following size

    [5]-Open the rendering palette and use the following setting

    [6]-After use the above setting then create two rectangle like this

    [7]-Create four line like this

    [8]-Create box and place like me

    [9]-Import the pod chair in my model collection and now place like this

    [10]-Create helix with the following size and now place like me

    [11]-Create cyinder and line now place like this

    [12]-Open the material window and make material like this

    [13]-Choose the free point light and set the light like this now these are the following parameters

    [14]-Set the IES skylight like this with the following parameters

    [15]-Press the F10 and set the radiosity and use the following parameters
    After use the above parameters now just click on the start button then waiting the radiosity processing

    [16]-After the processing radiosity now press the F9
    You will see the fina image is ready
    Thanks for watching

    ألقاكم في الدرس القادم


  • #2
    الــــدرس الثاني

    تصميم سبورة مدرسية

    Choose the box and create two boxes with the following size
    Place the boxes like me

    [2]-Create another box and place like me

    [3]-Create box with the following and place like me

    [4]-Create one more box and place like me

    [5]-Convert the box into the editable now select the polygons
    Apply the extrude polygons with the amount of -3.1

    [6]-Create the text like me

    [7]-Make the materials like me

    [8]-Set the skylight like this with the following parameters

    [9]-You got final image


    • #3
      [1]-Click on the box button and create some boxes with the following size
      Place like me

      [2]-Create plane and place like me

      يتبع ..............


      • #4
        [3]-Create box with the following size and place like me

        [4]-Create two more boxes and place like me

        [5]-Create one more box and place like me

        [6]-I m import some model in collection so you can other images which your own creating then placelike this

        [7]-Choose the free point light and set the light like this

        [8]-Now these are the following parameters

        [9]-Press the F10 and set the radiosity and use the following parameters

        [10]-After use the above parameters now just click on the start button then waiting the radiosity processing
        Now after processing press F9 now you will see image how to look

        [11]-Press the 8 and use the below setting

        [12]-Your image should like this in the prespective viewport

        [13]-Now this is time the final rendering


        • #5
          تصميم صندوق بريد

          Hello guys I will show how create a 3dsmax 3d letter box model tutorial.
          I have used following techniques shown below in this 3ds max tutorial.

          [1]-Start 3dsmax and choose "Rectangle" with the following size as shown below
          Place the recangle like me

          [2]-Convert the rectangle into the editable spline ok

          [3]-Now select the vertexes and apply the fillet 45.54 approx

          [4]-Your spline should like this

          [5]-Open the rendering palette and use the following setting

          [6]-Your object should like this

          [7]-Create one rectangle and place like me

          [8]-Create chamfer cylinder and place like me

          يتبع ........


          • #6

            [9]-Create box and cylinder now place like me

            [10]-Switch to the line button and create shape like this

            [11]-Apply the extrude modifier with the amount of 1.0

            [12]-Place the object like this

            [13]-Create box like this

            [14]-Now create shape and select the vertex apply the fillet 6.0

            يتبع ........


            • #7
              15 : إعملها فيليت

              [16]-Apply the extrude modifier with the amount of 1.0

              [17]-Your object should like this

              [18]-Set the letter like me

              [19]-This is my materials

              [20]-This is the final image

              إنتهى الدرس


              • #8
                الدرس الرابع هنا
                قيد التعديل


                • #9
                  ياسلام كمان دروس
                  ايه الحلاوه دى
                  ربنا يعينك ويجعله فى ميزان حسناتك


                  • #10
                    الله يكرمك يا رب
                    شكراً على الدروس
                    وربنا يوفقك في حياتك
                    الايميل : attef_omer@hotmail.com


                    • #11
                      ماشاء الله تبارك الله
                      أنا كنت فعلا محتاج درس في عمل الأظرف
                      الحين راح أعرف كيف أسوي ظرف و علبة أظرف بعد

                      بارك الله فيك أخوي وجعلك ذخر لنا


                      • #12
                        فل عليك يا طباخ مجهود جامد اوى بجد و اتعلمت منه حاجات جميل بجد ربنا يكرمك
                        MkASeL 2KTeB TwQe3


                        • #13
                          يا معلم شوي شوي انت لسع عضو جديد وبتعمل دروس بالعشرات
                          ههههههههه الله يجزيك الف خير وجاري التطبيق
                          هامور هائل
                          رئيس الهوامير
                          ان اسئت الى احد في ردودي***فهذا هو اعتذاري يتبعني كظلي
                          انا اسف
                          ملتقى صناعة الإحتراف
                          لو محترف شاركنا الصرح
                          لو مبتدئ إلحق سجل
                          t Doesn't Matter If Youre Black Or Whit


                          • #14
                            يا معلم شوي شوي انت لسع عضو جديد وبتعمل دروس بالعشرات
                            ههههههههه الله يجزيك الف خير وجاري التطبيق
                            هامور هائل
                            رئيس الهوامير
                            ان اسئت الى احد في ردودي***فهذا هو اعتذاري يتبعني كظلي
                            انا اسف
                            ملتقى صناعة الإحتراف
                            لو محترف شاركنا الصرح
                            لو مبتدئ إلحق سجل
                            t Doesn't Matter If Youre Black Or Whit


                            • #15
                              مشكور يا شاب < <<

