Unconfigured Ad Widget



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سؤال في الانميشن كتابة سكربت

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  • سؤال في الانميشن كتابة سكربت

    السلام عليكم ورحمت الله وبركاته
    ممكن حد يعطيني سكربت Wheel Rigger على شان أحطه بالرف عندي وبارك الله فيكم
    فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها ** لمعت كبارق ثغرك المتبسمي . . http://im16.gulfup.com/2011-11-02/1320285950132.jpg

  • #2
    اذا كان هذا هو السكربت ياريت حد منكم يصلحه لانه ما اشتغل
    distCA = attributes "dist"
    parameters main
    dist1 type:#float


    custAttributes.add $ distCA
    $.rotation.controller[2].controller = float_script()
    $.rotation.controller[2].controller.addNode "self" $
    $.rotation.controller[2].controller.addNode "p0" $.parent
    $.rotation.controller[2].controller.script =

    val = 360/(3.14*radius*2)
    at time (f-1)
    p1 = p0.transform
    oldPos = p0.pos
    newPos = p0.pos
    dist = distance oldPos newPos
    mult = (normalize (p1 * inverse p0.transform).pos).x
    if mult <= 0 then mult = -1 else mult = 1
    with animate off(
    self.dist1 += dist*mult)
    -(degtorad self.dist1*val)
    فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها ** لمعت كبارق ثغرك المتبسمي . . http://im16.gulfup.com/2011-11-02/1320285950132.jpg


    • #3
      تفضل يا أخى


      أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله .. وأن محمد رسول الله

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      • #4
        بارك الله فيك والله ما انسالك هذه الخدمة طول عمري
        فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها ** لمعت كبارق ثغرك المتبسمي . . http://im16.gulfup.com/2011-11-02/1320285950132.jpg


        • #5
          سؤال داخل الموضوع

          إذا كان السكربت مكتوب (يعني كتابة)

          مثل هذا :

          اذا كان هذا هو السكربت ياريت حد منكم يصلحه لانه ما اشتغل
          distCA = attributes "dist"
          parameters main
          dist1 type:#float


          custAttributes.add $ distCA
          $.rotation.controller[2].controller = float_script()
          $.rotation.controller[2].controller.addNode "self" $
          $.rotation.controller[2].controller.addNode "p0" $.parent
          $.rotation.controller[2].controller.script =

          val = 360/(3.14*radius*2)
          at time (f-1)
          p1 = p0.transform
          oldPos = p0.pos
          newPos = p0.pos
          dist = distance oldPos newPos
          mult = (normalize (p1 * inverse p0.transform).pos).x
          if mult <= 0 then mult = -1 else mult = 1
          with animate off(
          self.dist1 += dist*mult)
          -(degtorad self.dist1*val)

          فبأي طريقة يمكنني تشغيله؟


          • #6
            أخى الكريم أدخل على الورشة بتاعدى الرابط بتعها فى التوقيع

            هتلاقى درس عملة لتركيب الأسكربت هذا فى المايا وتطبيقة على مجسم

            بالتوفيق أخى

            أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله .. وأن محمد رسول الله

            My Website

            My profile at the site of cg talk

            My profile at the site of Cartoon Lab

            Join to

            CRAZY 3D TEAM
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            • #7
              من قائمة Window > Generl Editors > Scrip Editor وبعدها انسخ السكربت والصقه في خانة ال MEL ثم ظلله كله وبزر الماوس الاوسط اسحبه وافلته في الرف
              فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها ** لمعت كبارق ثغرك المتبسمي . . http://im16.gulfup.com/2011-11-02/1320285950132.jpg


              • #8

                WheelRigger v1.0

                How to start.......

                --- source the script file...
                --- Invoke the script using the command WheelRigger

                How to use.......

                --- Make sure your wheel rotation axl points to X Axis ,so that the wheel direction will be in Z axis
                --- Then, Freeze your wheel position.
                --- Now, Invoke the script.
                --- Select your wheel and focus the wheel name inputbox.
                --- Type the radius of your wheel.

                Click the Button RIGWHEEL.

                --- Now your wheel is rigged.
                --- Just give the Translation and Orientation data from your main control to the locator given for the wheel rig.



                global proc WheelRigger()
                string $window = "WheelRigger";
                if (`window -ex $window`)
                deleteUI $window;
                window $window;
                formLayout -ann "Script by VRaja" -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -nd 1000 ($window + "FormLayout");
                $control1 = `text -al left -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l "Wheel:"`;
                $control2 = `textField -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -rfc "GetName" ObjNamer`;
                $control3 = `text -al center -bgc 0.400000006 0.400000006 0.400000006 -l ""`;
                $control4 = `text -al left -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l "Wheel Radius:"`;
                $control5 = `textField -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -tx 1 ObjRadius`;
                $control6 = `button -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l RigWheel -ann "Rig the wheel" -c "WheelSetup"`;
                $control7 = `button -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l Close -ann "Cancel" -c ("deleteUI " + $window)`;
                $control8 = `button -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l help -c ("WRHelpWin")`;
                $control9 = `button -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l Freeze -ann "Freeze the wheel" -c "FreezeTransformations"`;

                formLayout -e
                -attachPosition $control1 "left" 0 24 -attachPosition $control1 "right" 0 307 -attachPosition $control1 "top" 0 66 -attachPosition $control1 "bottom" 0 242
                -attachPosition $control2 "left" 0 392 -attachPosition $control2 "right" 0 983 -attachPosition $control2 "top" 0 66 -attachPosition $control2 "bottom" 0 242
                -attachPosition $control3 "left" 0 7 -attachPosition $control3 "right" 0 982 -attachPosition $control3 "top" 0 668 -attachPosition $control3 "bottom" 0 677
                -attachPosition $control4 "left" 0 24 -attachPosition $control4 "right" 0 307 -attachPosition $control4 "top" 0 351 -attachPosition $control4 "bottom" 0 526
                -attachPosition $control5 "left" 0 397 -attachPosition $control5 "right" 0 680 -attachPosition $control5 "top" 0 351 -attachPosition $control5 "bottom" 0 526
                -attachPosition $control6 "left" 0 418 -attachPosition $control6 "right" 0 683 -attachPosition $control6 "top" 0 750 -attachPosition $control6 "bottom" 0 925
                -attachPosition $control7 "left" 0 710 -attachPosition $control7 "right" 0 975 -attachPosition $control7 "top" 0 750 -attachPosition $control7 "bottom" 0 925
                -attachPosition $control8 "left" 0 24 -attachPosition $control8 "right" 0 307 -attachPosition $control8 "top" 0 750 -attachPosition $control8 "bottom" 0 925
                -attachPosition $control9 "left" 0 710 -attachPosition $control9 "right" 0 975 -attachPosition $control9 "top" 0 351 -attachPosition $control9 "bottom" 0 526

                ($window + "FormLayout");
                window -e -w 330 -h 144 $window;
                showWindow $window;

                global proc GetName()
                string $itm[] = `ls -sl`;
                textField -e -tx $itm[0] ObjNamer;
                warning "Please select the wheel and focus the input box!";


                global proc string GroupConnector(string $itm,int $Rds)

                group -n ($itm + "_WheelRoller") $itm;
                group -n ($itm + "Transformctrl") $itm;
                group -n ($itm + "Rotationctrl") $itm;

                global string $lcName[];
                $lcName=`spaceLocator -n ($itm + "Ctrl")`;
                pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 -n WheelSetConstrain $itm ($itm+"Ctrl");
                delete WheelSetConstrain;
                makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 ($itm+"Ctrl");
                setAttr ($itm+"CtrlShape.localScaleX") 5;
                setAttr ($itm+"CtrlShape.localScaleY") 5;
                setAttr ($itm+"CtrlShape.localScaleZ") 5;
                addAttr -ln "Radius" -at long;
                setAttr -e -keyable true ($lcName[0]+".Radius");
                setAttr ($lcName[0]+".Radius") $Rds;
                parent ($itm+"Ctrl") ($itm + "_WheelRoller") ;
                pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 ($itm+"Ctrl") ($itm + "_WheelRoller|" + $itm + "Transformctrl");
                orientConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 ($itm+"Ctrl") ($itm + "_WheelRoller|" + $itm + "Transformctrl");

                return $lcName[0];


                global proc ExpConnector(string $itm,string $Radius,string $Lcn)
                print ("\n______________________________________________________"+$Lcn+"\n");
                string $Ctrlr = ($itm+"Ctrl");
                string $Transr = ($itm + "Transformctrl");
                string $Rotar = ($itm + "Rotationctrl");
                string $exp = "global vector $" + $itm + "oldtranspos =<<0,0,0>>;\r\nfloat $radius = " +$Lcn+".Radius"+ " ;\r\n$distance = 0.0;\r\n$dctrl = 1;\r\n$dctrly=1;\r\nint $revdir=1 ;\r\nvector $changetrans = `getAttr " + $Transr + ".translate`;\r\nfloat $cx = $changetrans.x-$" + $itm + "oldtranspos.x ;\r\nfloat $cy = $changetrans.y-$" + $itm + "oldtranspos.y ;\r\nfloat $cz = $changetrans.z-$" + $itm + "oldtranspos.z ;\r\nfloat $distance = sqrt($cx*$cx + $cy*$cy + $cz*$cz);\r\n$angltrd = " + $Transr + ".rotateY%360;\r\nif (($changetrans.y != $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.y) && ($changetrans.x == $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.x)&&($changetrans.z == $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.z)){manipMoveContext -e -mode 4 Move;\r\n}else{ if ($angltrd==0){if ($changetrans.z > $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.z) $dctrl=1;\r\n else $dctrl=-1;\r\n} if (($angltrd>0 && $angltrd<=90)||($angltrd<-180 && $angltrd>=-270)){if ($changetrans.x > $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.x) $dctrl=1*$dctrl;\r\n else $dctrl=-1*$dctrl;\r\n} if (($angltrd>90 && $angltrd<=180)||($angltrd<-90 && $angltrd>=-180)){if ($changetrans.z > $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.z) $dctrl=-1*$dctrl;\r\n else $dctrl=1*$dctrl;\r\n}if (($angltrd>180 && $angltrd<=270)||($angltrd<0 && $angltrd>=-90)){if ($changetrans.x > $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.x) $dctrl=-1*$dctrl;\r\n else $dctrl=1*$dctrl;\r\n}if (($angltrd>270 && $angltrd<=360)||($angltrd<-270 && $angltrd>=-360)){if ($changetrans.z > $" + $itm + "oldtranspos.z) $dctrl=1*$dctrl;\r\n else $dctrl=-1*$dctrl;\r\n} " + $Rotar + ".rotateX = " + $Rotar + ".rotateX + ($dctrly*($dctrl * (( $distance / (6.2831 * $radius)) * 360.0)));\r\nmanipMoveContext -e -mode 4 Move;\r\n}$" + $itm + "oldtranspos=<<" + $Transr + ".translateX," + $Transr + ".translateY," + $Transr + ".translateZ>>;\r\n"; print("\n\n" + $exp);
                expression -s $exp;

                global proc WheelSetup()

                string $itm = `textField -q -tx ObjNamer`;
                string $Rds = `textField -q -tx ObjRadius`;

                if(($itm!="") && ($Rds!=""))
                string $Lcn= GroupConnector ($itm,$Rds);
                ExpConnector ($itm, $Rds,$Lcn);
                warning "Need radius and wheel object name";


                global proc WRHelpWin()

                string $window = "Wheel_Rigger";
                if (`window -ex $window`)
                deleteUI $window;
                window $window;
                formLayout -ann "Script by VRaja" -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -nd 1000 ($window + "FormLayout");
                $control1 = `button -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l Close -ann "" -c ("deleteUI " + $window)`;
                $control2 = `text -al center -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l "Wheel Rigger v1.0\r\nby vRaja"`;
                $control3 = `text -al left -bgc 0.8313729763 0.8156859875 0.7843139768 -l "\r\n\r\nHow to use?\r\n----------\r\n\r\n-Make sure your wheel rotation axl points to X Axis ,so that the wheel direction will be in Z axis.\r\n-Then, Freeze your wheel's position.\r\n-Now, Invoke `WheelRigger` script.\r\n-Select the wheel to be rigged and then focus the wheel name inputbox.\r\n-Type the radius of your wheel.\r\nNow Click the button `RigWheel`.\r\nYour wheel is rigged. \r\nJust give the Translation and Orientation data from your main control \r\nto the locator given for the wheel rig.\r\nYou can Adjust the Radius from the Locator channel \n\r\nCreator:\r\n--------\r\nV.Raja\r\nreachvraja@gmail.com\r\n"`;
                formLayout -e
                -attachPosition $control1 "left" 0 752
                -attachPosition $control1 "right" 0 968
                -attachPosition $control1 "top" 0 930
                -attachPosition $control1 "bottom" 0 983
                -attachPosition $control2 "left" 0 112
                -attachPosition $control2 "right" 0 876
                -attachPosition $control2 "top" 0 15
                -attachPosition $control2 "bottom" 0 99
                -attachPosition $control3 "left" 0 29
                -attachPosition $control3 "right" 0 970
                -attachPosition $control3 "top" 0 97
                -attachPosition $control3 "bottom" 0 929
                ($window + "FormLayout");
                window -e -w 362 -h 403 $window;
                showWindow $window;


                فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها ** لمعت كبارق ثغرك المتبسمي . . http://im16.gulfup.com/2011-11-02/1320285950132.jpg


                • #9
                  لا فى حاجة

                  أتفضل الفديو


                  بالتوفيق أخى

                  أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله .. وأن محمد رسول الله

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