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الان .. وجه اسألتك للفنان المبدع أمان أكرم

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  • الان .. وجه اسألتك للفنان المبدع أمان أكرم

    أول شي اكرر شكري للاخ امان اكرم لموافقته على الاقتراح .. والشكر موصول لاخي العزيز الماستر اللي وصل اقتراحنا لامان ..

    ياليت كل واحد يكتب اسألته باللغه الانجليزيه .. ايضا ياليت اي واحد قبل مايسأل يشوف الاسئله السابقه عشان نتجنب تكرار الاسئله ... اممممممممممم اخر شي .. ياليت تخفوا على الرجال شويه

    يالله مين رح يبدا؟؟

    انا بروح احضر اسئلتي واترجمها

    الطيور على أشكالها تقع

  • #2
    اولا اود ان اشكرك على قبول دعوة اخي الماستر في اجابة استفسارات الاخوة اعضاء المنابر...واودايضا ان اعبر عن اعجابي الشديد بتصاميمك المدهشة وطريقة اضاءتك المتميزة ... لدي عدة اسئلة اود طرحها.
    1- ماالسر وراء اتقانك لنمذجة الاجسام البشرية؟ وماهي طريقة نمذجتك ؟ هل ترسم شخصياتك قبل النمذجة ؟
    2- ماهو السر في اتقانك للاضاءة ؟ وماهي النصيحة التي توجهها للراغبين في اتقانها( الاضاءة).؟
    3- هل تفكر في انتاج افلام عن التاريخ والتراث الاسلامي مستقبلا ؟
    4- انت تعمل على اللايت ويف ..وايضاعلى المايا..بماذا يمتاز المايا عن اللايت ويف في نظرك .؟
    5- للراغبين في تعلم تحريك الشخصيات هل تنصحهم باستخدام ال messiah: Studio ؟
    6- ماهي امنياتك وطموحاتك ..وماهي مشاريعك المستقبلية؟
    7- مشكور امان على اجاباتك... وشكرا لك اخي الماستر لقيامك بدور الوسيط
    في ترجمة هذه الاسئلة واشكرك ايضا لردك على رسالتي وعلى ملاحظاتك التي ساعمل بها ان شاء الله ...)
    سبحان الله.. والحمد لله.. ولا اله الا الله.. والله اكبر.
    يمكنك الإبداع ... شريطة أن لا تركب الباص كل يوم


    • #3
      welcome mr Amaan Akram in our forums
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة m.b; 07 / 01 / 2003, 02:04 PM.


      • #4
        اولا ارحب بك في منتدانا و اشكرك لتفضلك بمنحنا بعض من وقتك و ايضا الشكر للاخ The Master و الاخ XMan لفتح هذا الموضوع.
        سؤالي هو ما نصيحتك لنا كمبتدئين في عالم 3D حيث نجد ان الكثير منا تائه بين هذا الكم الهائل من برامج التصميم مثل مايا و ماكس و لايت ويف.....الخ فهل تعتقد من خلال خبرتك ان هناك افضلية لبرنامج على آخر و خصوصا لمن بدأ للتو في تعلم ال 3D
        و شكرا لك مرة اخرى


        • #5
          أطلق عليه موقع cgchannel.com لقب Digital MichelAngelo !!

          أمان أكرم لمن لا يعرفه

          المقابلة القديمة معه


          • #6
            تمت ترجمة الأسئلة ويقوم الآن أمان بإعداد الإجابات.
            إلى أن ينتهي أرجو الإطلاع على المقابلة التي تمت من خلال cgchannel.com مترجمة للغة العربية بواسطة الأخ Alom من منتدى شبكة هجر http://forum.hajr.org/showthread.php...adid=402696582 (إن لم تتمكن من الدخول مباشرةً اضغط على زر الدخول كزائر), وبالمناسبة فهذه رابع لغة تتم ترجمة المقابلة لها بغية نشر الفائدة. و نرجوا ممن لديه الخبرة اللغوية والوقت الكافي ترجمة درس تقنية الإضاءة المتقدمة للعربية لتنفرد المنابر بها, كنت أود القيام بذلك بنفسي ولكن للأسف الوقت لا يسمح بذلك.

            تحياتي للجميع.
            إذا كان ترك الدين يعني تقدما . . فمـوت يانفــس قبـل أن تتقـدم


            • #7
              حياك الله أخي الماستر , كيف حالك , وينك يا رجال

              كنت أرغب أن أسألك عن شئ

              أنت وأمان أكرم ماشاء الله , هل تعملان في قسم الAnimation أم الWebDesign ؟

              لأنني أحيانا أسمع منه كلام أنه يعمل هنا وهناك , وأحيانا أفهم منك ذلك أيضا
              تحياتي لك ولفنانا المبدع أمان أكرم


              • #8

                Thank you very much for your kind words about my work. It's indeed an honor to be in here and to answer your questions.


                There's really no secret except hard work. First comes observation. To model anything in 3D, you need to understand the shape in your own mind. And for that you need to have a keen eye for observation. Once you can visualize in your own mind each and every detail of the object you want to model from any angle, then the process of modeling becomes very simple. Modeling for me is a very simple and straightforward process. But it is only easy if I have clarity of vision.

                I did use some blueprints to get certain proportions right on my human modeling projects. But I didn't stick too closely to the blueprints as I believe that when you stick too closely to blueprints, you don't put in your own artistic touch.

                As for lighting, I do some photography and study the work of photographers. I have learned a lot from them and how they use light intensities and positions to enhance the scene. I would advise that you start out by observing the work of photographers, and watch old american and british black and white movies.

                As far as islamic history and local tradition is concerned, yes, that has definitely been something that's been on my mind for a while. Right now my work is too experimental and I don't feel confident enough to take on artistic projects (based on our history) on my own. I also don't get enough time to do as much 3D work as I would like to. May be when I am in a position to devote more of my time to this art, I'll attempt a project like the one you mentioned. For now, I am experimenting with 3D art and marketing myself as an artist.

                You mentioned something about Maya and Lightwave. Well, they are both very feature-packed. What I like about Maya is the overall integration, the ability to program with expressions, and the character animation tools. Lightwave's renderer is a breeze to work with.

                For those who want to learn character animation, I would hold back my advice until I know a bit about their background in 3D. You can't be a beginner in 3D and a character animator. If you are using Max, then use Max. If you've been using Maya, then use Maya. messiah:Studio is definitely a very powerful piece of software and it has been designed specifically for character animation. But in the end what matters is what the artist is most comfortable with.

                For the future, I intend to work on my artistic skills more than on my 3D skills. What I have found is that just about any 3D software is easy to learn, but the art takes time. So my direction is going to be defined by the kind of art that I intend to do in the future. I have been looking and experimenting with character animation for a while and have been reading all sorts of books on it. I guess that's where I am headed at the moment.


                I would advise that you use whatever seems more comfortable to you. I can't tell you to like a Ferrari just because I like a Ferrari. You know what I mean? In the end the decision is yours about what software you feel comforable with. I know people who have used software more than 5 years old to produce work as good as that being produced by people using Max 5 or Lightwave 7.5. Just start experimenting with different tools that are available to you. Browse the internet for tutorials. Do some basic stuff in each and then buy the software that seems more natural to you

                I'd like to thank The Master for his kind introduction and to both XMan and The Master for inviting me to these forums. I hope all your questions were answered.



                • #9
                  Thanks a lot Amaan,

                  الله يحييك أخي الفاضل أبو تمام, كيف أحوالك؟ وكيف الدراسة معاك؟
                  العمل الحالي في مجال الملتيميديا بشكل عام بما فيها العروض التقديمية, العروض التخيلية, المؤثرات المرئية والصوتية, المحاكاة, الإعلانات التلفزيونية الرسوميه إلخخخ . . .
                  إذا كان ترك الدين يعني تقدما . . فمـوت يانفــس قبـل أن تتقـدم


                  • #10
                    Dear Amaan Akram
                    First of all, on behave of our friends,
                    I'd like to thank you for your answers
                    I'd like also to thank XMan and Master who invited
                    you join us in this fantastic forum


                    Accually, at my work I just received 3D S Max and
                    Maya software, and i have very lettle informations
                    about each.so please what do you
                    reccomend me to start learning with
                    (I work as graphics and editor for post production)

                    this is very important to me, please answer me..

                    Finally, could you mention some things about your
                    exeperence with 3D graphics like who long have you
                    been working with the graphics -what is the most
                    powerfull 3D software in your opinion-Do you use
                    them in your work or as a hope.

                    would you please put your personal e-mail address
                    so we can contact you.

                    Thank you and best regards
                    Abu Hamad


                    • #11
                      Aslam alikum
                      My name is majed
                      Big surprise to meet you.
                      In short my questions is:
                      Should I be proficient in drawing (by pencil) to be proficient in three-dimensional programs? What abut you?
                      What is the easiest way to modeling a model like yours?
                      Finally, we are waiting if you can help us by making exhaustive tutorial about your characters including lighting and materials.
                      (I want to ask you many questions but my English is too bad )
                      Thank you for you is humbly
                      Respectfully yours,

                      شكرا للقائمين على هذا اللقاء
                      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ماجد; 07 / 01 / 2003, 03:35 AM.


                      • #12
                        اول شي ياليت تعذروني على الخطأ الاملائي الواضح في العنوان

                        احب اشكر جميع الاخوان اللي شاركوا .. وبصراحه انا اغلب الاسئله اللي في بالي طرحوها الاخوان ..

                        على كل حال باقي لي بعض الاسئله .. وبما ان الماستر تكفل بالترجمه فرح اقولها بالعربي

                        1- ربما هو تكرار لسؤال الاخ ماجد او تأكيد .. هل من الضروري ان يكون الشخص رساما حتى يكون فنان جرافكس ؟؟
                        2- هل سبق وان عملت على الثري دي ماكس؟؟ وكيف شفت الفرق بينه وبين اللايت ويف .. خصوصا في النمذجه؟؟
                        3- ياليت تشوف الموضوع هذا .. شوف الصور بس .. وقول لي ايش رايك في الاضاءه - تجاهل الاكساء - ايش الاخطاء اللي تشوفها وكيف ممكن اعدلها نظريا بس .. يعني بدون الدخول في الادوات المستخدمه .
                        4 - متى رح تنزل الجزء الثاني من درس الاضاءه؟؟
                        اقصد Lighting Techniques Part II
                        لاني استفدت من الجزء الاول اشياء كثييره

                        والف شكر على تفضلك وقبولك الدعوه

                        تحياتي لك

                        ياليت المشرفين يثبتوا الموضوع
                        الطيور على أشكالها تقع


                        • #13

                          Sorry I didn't reply to your post because the link in your post wasn't working.

                          Abu Tamam:

                          I just got your post translated by The Master. I believe that he has already replied to your inquiry regarding web design and animation. Thanks very much for posting a link to the CGChannel interview. If you are interested in reading my old interview (1999) on www.insidecg.com, please follow this link


                          The Master:

                          Thanks for posting the link to the translation of my tutorial

                          Abu Hamad:

                          Like I said in my previous reply, it really depends on your skills and method of work. I know people who do rock solid work in Max, but don't like Lightwave at all. For these people, the workflow of max really goes in line with their methods of work. Lightwave's workflow is very different and some people do not like it. So my advice to you is the same that I gave to Darklight.

                          I have been doing 3D graphics since 1991. As for the most powerful 3D software, I believe that all major 3D software (Lightwave, Maya, Max, XSI...) have some strong points and some weak points. I would not like to single out one software and claim its superiority over others. I use Lightwave for all my work as it gives me that kind of input I desire. But for character animation, I have used Maya and messiah:Studio. Now this doesn't mean that these 3 are the best software packages are the best that you can find. It simply means that these have helped me in achieving what I want to achieve in my work. What might work for you may be different from what works for me.

                          To send me a personal e-mail, please use the e-mail link from my profile in this forum.


                          Walaikum Salam. Yes, I believe that you need to be good in drawing. It just helps you visualize so much better about what you need to create. Drawing by pencil is still much faster than modeling, or atleast I find it that way. To me, drawing seems a much more 'natural' process than modeling. Drawing also teaches you proportions and I believe that anyone who is modeling characters needs to have a solid grasp of proportions.

                          As far as an easy way to model is concerned, sadly, there is none. I find it easy because I have been modeling for so long. As they say in English, "practice makes perfect". While my work is not perfect yet, but the more I model, the better I become. So I would advise you to practice...

                          I will write some more tutorials when I will find the time. right now my schedule's pretty packed for me to be able to attempt any major projects.


                          I will reply to your post as soon as The Master gives me a translation of your questions.

                          Thanks very much


                          • #14
                            Mr Amaan Akram
                            In fact I don,t know how I can apologize
                            accept my respect
                            this,s link to one of Arabic artist please visit it
                            and tell me the name of tree Plug ins that he used
                            and how I can download it
                            and I hope for you progress more &more


                            • #15
                              السلام عليكم
                              هل يمكن تصدير الحركه من بوسر الى الماكس

                              لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

