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تحديث : GameMaker: Studio لتطوير العاب Multiplayer

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  • تحديث : GameMaker: Studio لتطوير العاب Multiplayer

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    تم تحديث جيم ميكر اليوم ليدعم تطوير العاب multiplayer بشكل ممتاز و هذه الخاصية حاليا في طور التجربة
    من المخطط لها بانها تكون cross platform multiplayer بمعنى بانك تستطيع تصدير لعبة على موبايل و اخرى على وندوز وكذلك الماك و مع ذلك يستطيع اللاعبيين المقابلة في اللعبة و لعب بشكل جماعي, وللعلم هذه الخاصية لاتحتاج سيرفر فهي تعتمد على شبكة من نوع peer 2 peer اي مثل ماتقدمه لعبة كول اوف دوتي حيث تعتمد بصورة رئيسية على هوست بمجرد خروج هوست يتوقف اللعب و ايضا تعتمد بصورة كبيرة على سرعة الطرفيين الهوست و كذلك اللاعبيين.

    مصدر الخبر:


    قائمة التحديثات التي وصلتني اليوم:
    ****** Remember to update the Runner on devices to the latest version ***** 
    ◾ EXPERIMENTAL Binary buffer support added. (buffer_???? commands, please read the manual)
    ◾ EXPERIMENTAL Multi-Platform networking support added. (network_???? commands, please read the manual)
    ◾ EXPERIMENTAL asset compiler caching, for seriously speeding up compilation on large projects. (needs to be switched ON in preferences for now)
    ◾ Multi-player platformer demo added (see DEMOS tab)
    ◾ SVN fixes and usability improvements.
    ◾ Some common exceptions in the asset compiler now reported as proper errors.
    ◾ iCade support on Andorid added
    ◾ Some optimisation to WinPhone8 rendering. Now does some lazy state evaluation to cut down on redundant changes
    ◾ New "clean" option on toolbar to clear our cached assets
    Fixed bugs
    ◾09166 Android: Flurry Analytics not working for Android Game
    ◾08465 Facebook error when Facebook app is installed
    ◾09664 Windows: room_set_width + room_set_height not working.
    ◾09470 windows XP/Android: "Included file" hierarchy in IDE not reflected in file structure
    ◾09659 Buffer peek/poke should use pos, not index
    ◾09590 UI: Update copyright dates
    ◾09609 Buffer arguments inconsistent
    ◾09618 Buffer functions use _ex instead of _ext
    ◾09625 UI: Licenses: The license info for SVN is missing. Needs its own license info showing.
    ◾09294 Android: Game non-responsive after losing focus [Samsung S3]
    ◾04574 GM: Studio Invalid Pointer and Other Error After Downloading Update
    ◾04571 GameMaker won't update if the program is closed
    ◾07606 Audio: audio_get_name() or audio_get_index(string) for my Scene Maker, editor to make cutscenes, introvideos, menus
    ◾09529 Audio: under certain circumstances, audio_play_sound_on() randomly disobeys volume falloff due to distance
    ◾09585 UI: Code editor disappears
    ◾09597 asset_get_type and asset_get_index don't work with sounds
    ◾09539 Mac: [App's] Copyright Issue
    ◾09060 Audio: Odd error message in the compiler [when closing the game]
    ◾09157 Audio: audio_emitter_free() [doesn't work as expected] 
    ◾09434 iAds-ads getting cropped in Mopub (iOS landscape game)
    ◾09576 Scripts: 1.1.827 Still uses popup code editor
    ◾09468 Documentation: typo on step event page
    ◾09504 Android: iap_activate() crashed game under android
    ◾04020 Mac: Loading an image [using sprite_add()] over http crashes the game
    ◾09569 UI: "OK" button difference
    ◾09415 UI: Test Instance Count operation capitalization
    ◾03572 Functions: get_function_address() throws a compiler error [function should be removed from autocomplete]
    ◾09432 Export: Version Number doesn't increment with new Single Exe Compile
    ◾09532 Functions: date_create_datetime() [or date_get_hour and date_get_second] function problems
    ◾09562 Windows 8 apps fail certification in 1.1.827
    ◾09535 UI: Dark field colour [for the "other" box on Destroy Instance DnD action dialogue]
    ◾07198 App crashes after several minutes
    ◾07314 Sprites Imported Using sprite_add Aren't Scaled Properly in 3D Objects
    ◾00628 Extension functions with no arguments do not show as errors if you miss off their brackets
    ◾06424 Collision box enlarges with negative image_xscale and image_yscale values
    ◾09527 asset_get_index() does not work with sounds
    ◾09411 Variables: error when assigning to an array and simultaneously incrementing the array's index
    ◾09559 Runner crashes when supplying irandom() with a negative fraction
    ◾09546 No Tooltip on (new?) icon
    ◾09533 Texture page previews giving errors
    ◾09469 Draw and Draw GUI documentation contradict themselves
    ◾09531 Incorrect information in GM manual
    ◾09538 Help file TYPO achievement_show_achievements()
    ◾09537 Help file TYPO achievement_show_leaderboards()
    ◾09424 Graphics quality reduce down after after the last update
    ◾08418 Functions: Included file with space char in name doesn't open after 734 update
    ◾09454 string_delete() could use clearer example in manual
    ◾09491 audio_emitter_gain entry
    ◾09085 Physics: Collision normals in physics wrong
    ◾09327 UI: Creating multiple include file via the dialogue causes an error about bad file path
    ◾04719 sprite_replace memory leak
    ◾08404 HTML5: show_message_async() shows a dialog with "OK" & "Cancel" instead of just "OK"
    ◾09480 Example for ini_write_string() uses ini_read_string() instead
    ◾09356 Export: Included files dumped to root directory
    ◾06013 error about a string type, even if strings aren't involved: -!function(args)
    ◾09334 Android: Audio does not stop playing when the game loses focus.
    ◾09005 UI: Make the "Execute Code" independent of the rest of User Interface
    ◾04054 Scroll bar isn't aligned properly in the code action
    ◾08542 Vertical scrollbar often disappears in the code editor
    ◾06740 [Scripts] Using code auto-completion tool can cause Studio to lock up
    ◾07473 Code completion crashes (still)
    ◾07545 memory leak using sprite_delete[/LEFT]
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    I heard it once said that if 3D is our world then Script is the glue that holds it all together

  • #2
    و الله خبر حلو و خاصة انه الجيم ميكر برنامج رائع لتصميم الالعاب الثنائية الالعاب

