Unconfigured Ad Widget



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    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    هل هنال أداة تعمل مثل planar ولكن لمنحنيات ليست في مستوى واحد

  • #2
    square tool or use loft


    • #3
      sorry i missed in explaining ... actually it`s one curve but the cvs are not in one plane .. so how to close these cvs with a surface !!!! and thx man for replying fast
      and sorry 4 writing in english because my english xp


      • #4
        if you want to make a surface you either have one curve and you do LOFT tool and in the option box you should use distance .

        but if you have one closed curve and it is not planal and you want to make a surface from it. firstly. divide your curve into 4 curves by right clicking on your curve choose EDIT POINTS then select the corner points and do SPLIT CURVE TOOL .
        after getting 3 or 4 curves then you can either use Birail tool or Square tool .

        you can see the HELP line at the bottom of maya window and read what it tells you to do in order to make the tool works.


        • #5
          the curve i have got more than 20 editing points , any way im very thankfull


          • #6
            I am not telling you to cut the curve CV's but to cut CURVE POINTS and there is a big difference.
            tell me where did you stop


            • #7
              بارك الله لك ياأخي هنا المشكلة بالظبط أريد ان اغلق هذه المنحنيات


              • #8
                lets say that you have 2 surfaces A and B for example lets assume that surface A represent on of the side surfaces of your opened bath table so surface B represent the other side of the table surface and you want to close them.

                The answer is pretty simple in that case just do RMB ( right mouse button ) over surface A and select ISOPARMS then select and drag on of the vertical isoparms at the edge of surface A . After that without deselecting the isoparm on surface A just point your mouse over surface B then continously pressing SHIFT and select drag the edge isoparm of surface B.

                Now after selecting 2 isoparms on each side of table edge surface do LOFT from SURFACE dropdown menu.
                I've put some images to help you.
                N.B. the isoparms are colored Yellow in Maya by default
                Also you can try to Dublicate those Isoparms ( DUBLICATE SURFACE CURVES ) as I remember and then you can loft those curves for example.


                • #9
                  thx alot man this way doesnt work with this curve ..dont know why .. sure the prob is in me ( that curve is weird even when i try sclae that lofted surface and the 2 planars in the side although i deleted the history and grouped them and when i go to modify center pivot the pivot point doesnt want to be in center it goes to the last planar i picked ... and offcouse when i scale them
                  big prob that everyone has its own pivot
                  any way im very very very thankfull to u


                  • #10
                    السلام عليكم
                    هل يمكن تحميل نسخة من الملف علشان افهم المشكلة
                    ارغب في المساعدة و لكن لا افهم الانجليزية جيدا
                    لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
                    تعرف علي الاخبار من منظور اخر


                    • #11
                      (no comment (as u do know english and dont know maya at all
                      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ahmed123; 21 / 09 / 2004, 12:29 AM.


                      • #12
                        لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
                        تعرف علي الاخبار من منظور اخر


                        • #13
                          i sent u an email with the file ...waiting ur reply


                          • #14
                            اسف لم اتلقي الملف لمشاكل في بريدي الالكتروني و لكن ساحاول مساعدتك قدر الامكان
                            اخي اظن ان المشكلة بسيطة باذن الله تاكد من ضغطك علي reset ثم تفعيل كل من close ,auto reverse,عند ضبط loft
                            ولكن لابد من تقسيم المنحني الي اجزاء طالما انه ليس مستوي
                            و هناك ملاحظة لك و هي ان تتكون منحنياتك من نفس عدد نقاط التحكم(CV) مع المنحني الاخر سيساعد هذا كثيرا علي انشاء وجوه ناعمة بلا مشاكل
                            قد يساعدك لو قمت بعمل loft خطي اولا (linear) و سيظهر مشاكل في هذا الوجه لكن يمكن التغلب عليها باعادة بناء هذا الوجه بحيث يكون(cubic surface) مع تفعيل (keep numspans) و ان شاء الله تحصل علي نتائج مبهرة
                            ارجو ان اكون استطعت مساعدتك
                            لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
                            تعرف علي الاخبار من منظور اخر

