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سينما 9.5 الجديد

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  • سينما 9.5 الجديد

    تحياتي الى الجميع النسخة الجديدة من سينما وصل
    اكثر التغيرات والتجديدات كان في ادات الاضاءة والاكساء والراندار (الاخراج النهائي) وهناكاضافات كادات السماء واضافة التدرج اللوني (الكاردنار) الى الاضاءة واضافات كثيرة اخرى اما بالنسبة الى النمذجة فحظه في التطوير لم يكن جيداً هناك اضافات ولكنها ليس بمستوى المطلوب او الذي كان منتظراً من قبل مستخدمي البرنامج ولكن هذا لا يقلل من حجم التغيرات الذي اضافته الشركة لبرنامجه وشكراً

    CINEMA 4D R9.5 - New Features

    Interface and workflow additions

    Full screen mode
    • Switches to full screen via CTRL+TAB.
    • Stores the old layout in a local memory.
    • Opens a new borderless window which takes up the entire screen space with only the CINEMA 4D main menu and the selected manager open. You can open managers on top (e.g. SHIFT+F1 opens the Object Manager as floating window).
    • Pressing the shortcut again restores the old layout.
    Double-click the texture tag to activate a material in the material editor

    Click over HUD items that don't use the mouse is passed to CINEMA 4D

    Subgroups in the AM can be opened /closed over the lenght of the bar, and not just via the arrow

    Vertex map display for multiple objects

    Double-click selection object icon to restore selection

    Target expression expanded with up vector and pitch checkbox

    Save Incremental in main menu and plugins menu cleanup

    Layer Shader Browser added in SDK

    Tolerant polygon selection

    2D HUD vector shapes

    Double-click to rename materials updated

    Inline renaming of object name with double-click on the name

    CINEMA 4D now allows you to set the defaults for objects, shaders, videopost, tags and materials.

    Light icons
    There are new light icons for the 4 main types. They will also be indicated in the object manager if they cast shadows.

    AM Controls
    Changes to the interface, for objects, is now saved in the world prefs.

    Modeling Axis
    Modeling axis 'Free' mode support for retaining changes.

    Additional changes

    3 new noises : Fire, Electric, Gaseous

    XPresso : Bitmap node

    Spline Round Tool non-modal

    Spline Chamfer Tool non-modal

    Clone Tool non-modal

    Array Tool non-modal

    Content Browser

    The new browser is an integral part of the future workflow of CINEMA 4D.

    In addition to the classic browser functions, it offers:
    • File structure display.
    • Drag and drop functionality (to and from the editor/object manager/material manager), including sorting and filtering of content.
    • Search function, including keywords.
    • Preset-management and modification.
    • Thumbnail generation and caching.
    • Comments.
    • Developers can access the browser through the API, creating settings with custom parameters, custom icons and complete hierarchies.
    • Non-modal search dialog. Clicking on the search icon opens/closes the search pane above the directory views. You can stop the search function by clicking on the "Cancel" button or clicking on the progress indicator. You can build your own "search chain" by adding (+) or removing (-) search functions via the combo box. The search results are stored in a folder using the current date and time. You can refine your own search by performing a new search on these results.
    • Dragging search results into a catalog will save them.
    • Preset and catalog items can be moved.
    • Moving files will move the comments and preview bitmaps.
    • Catalogs and preset libraries can be deleted.
    This could also be used to create entire scene presets for title animations, for example.

    Each catalog is a single database with .cat suffix and is stored in the library/browser folder. You can specify a folder to be used as the base location - if possible, the path of added items will be stored relative to this base folder. The names of catalogs and catalog items can be stored in multiple languages (this is always done by default in the current language).

    Loading and saving presets from the various managers

    Object Manager
    • Load Tag Preset: -> adds a tag to the selected objects.
    • Save Tag Preset -> saves the active tag to the default preset lib.
    • Load Object Preset -> adds an object (including materials) to the scene.
    • Save Object Preset -> saves the active object to the default preset lib.
    Material Manager
    • Load Material Preset -> adds a material to the scene.
    • Save Material Preset -> saves the active material to the default preset lib.
    Render Settings
    • Load Render Preset -> overwrites the current setting with a preset.
    • Save Render Preset -> saves the current render setting (including post effects) to the default preset lib.
    If you want to add a render setting to the document, double-click it in the content browser or drop it into the view window.

    Effects Tab
    • Load Preset -> add a preset post effect. If the post effect of a certain type can only be present once, it will be overwritten.
    • Save Reset -> saves the current post effect to the default preset lib. Note that links to scene elements (e.g. sketch with the sketch material) will be lost.
    Shader Popup
    • Load Preset -> load a shader preset.
    • Save Prest -> save a shader preset.
    Drag and Drop with the Browser

    View area
    • Drop scene -> scene will be loaded.
    • Drop Object/Material/Tag/Render Setting/Shader/Post Effect preset -> item will be added to scene. For shaders, an empty material with the shader will be created; for tags, a null object with the tag.
    • Drop Image/Movie/Material Preset/Tag Preset onto object(s) in view -> texture tag/tag will be created and assigned.
    Object Manager
    • Drop scene -> scene will be merged.
    • Drop Object/Material/Tag -> item will be added.
    • Drop Image/Movie/Material Preset/Tag preset onto object(s) -> texture tag/tag will be created and assigned.
    Material Manager
    • Drop scene -> scene materials of scene will be merged.
    • Drop Material Preset -> will be loaded.
    Shader Area
    • Drop Image/Movie/Shader Preset -> shader will be assigned / created.
    • Drag a shader or its preview to the browser to save it.
    • The same is possible in the layer shader.
    Render Settings Area
    • Drop a render setting into the render settings window to replace the current settings by the new ones.
    • Drag a render setting (click into the left list view) into the browser to save it.
    Post Effects Area
    • Drag a post effect into the browser to save it.
    • Drop a post effect into the render settings window to add it.


    New UV & Normal Multipasses
    Lets you output the object UVs or normals as RGB. For UVs you need to assign a material to objects. The result is never anti-aliased (independent of settings) as this is unwanted behavior.

    New option "Straight Alpha" for Multipasses
    This option creates un-multiplied versions of your individual multipasses.

    New Distance Fallof types
    Inverse and Inverse Square now default to the unclamped behavior. This will mean that you are close to the light origin and you will get a near infinite illumination. For the clamped behavior the two types "Inverse Clamped" and "Inverse Square Clamped" area used.

    Gradients for Light / Visible Light
    Inner and Outer Colors have been replaced by gradients.
    There's a small change in behavior: the visible light gradient color is now also controlled by the light multiplier (in older versions this wasn't the case); old scenes will be converted.
    Another change: if the visible light 'Use Gradient' is off, the gradient from the details tab is no longer used; old scenes will be converted.

    Global "Enable SPD" settings

    New render setting "Global Brightness"
    Controls all scene lights.

    Tube light replaced by Areashape "Line"
    Old tube lights will be converted upon import. This is the only area light type that can be set to visible/volumetric.

    The new Baker is based on the classic version with two major functions for map generation: Normal Maps and Ambient Occlusion.

    Normal Maps
    Baker has the ability to even generate normal maps based on displacements. In other applications, high definition geometry needs to be created first. With the Baker, the user can avoid the high-definition modeling altogether by creating surface details with sub-poly displacement and generating Normal and Ambient Occlusion directly from the resulting surface.

    AO gradient

    AO option 'Self Intersection Only'
    If on, the AO effect is only calculated separately for every object. If you have a sphere and a fractal the sphere will not influence the fractal.

    AO option 'transparency'
    If enabled, transparencies and alphas will be evaluated (images: left side without, right side with, both using an alpha mapped object).

    New compositing tag option 'Seen by AO'
    Lets you exclude objects from ambient occlusion.

    Render setting "Apply to Scene"
    If you enable this, the entire scene will be rendered with pre-multiplied ambient occlusion - this will work without using any multipasses.

    Global AO pass without need to setup materials
    If you enable the AO multipass, you can now render the entire scene in 'AO' style without the need to change anything! The global AO options are used.

    HDRI, Open EXR support
    Rendering to HDRI (full bit depth), as well as OpenEXR, positions CINEMA 4D better in film production. Both of these formats have been used extensively for film work, which requires a much higher level of color detail. Additionally, the new support will give the user the ability to view the different exposures.

    HDR controls
    The bitmap shader now has additional controls for exposure, gamma, black & white point. Exposure is an exponential multiplier - it increases the brightness of the image. Gamma is a gamma control - as HDR images are always saved device-independent with gamma of 1.
    Reset will reset the values so that the image won't be modified.

    VMB shutter
    VMB has a new option (Open Shutter at Frame). If activated, the shutter will be opened at the exact frame value, and not centered around the frame value. This is important, especially when combining CINEMA 4D & Renderman footage.

    Shadow Density
    Can now be set greater than 100%.

    Light visibility multiplier
    This new control allows control of the brightness of the area light that is visualized through "show in render" or "show in reflection".

    Light multiplier
    The separate controls for brightness and multiplier of a lightsource have been merged - there is only one control left on the front page.

    Shake support
    Shake is the next major motion graphics application to enjoy multi-pass-project import from CINEMA 4D. CINEMA 4D directly exports a project file that is imported into Shake, comparable to the support of Motion, introduced with R9.

    Exposure / Gamma display controls
    The picture viewer and texture viewer were given a new button in the menu bar, which allows the color correction of floating point data. The window appears as popup manager if you click the icon in the menu bar, or as a regular async manager if you choose the menu entry.

    Render window
    Loading and display of multipass bitmaps in the render window is now supported.
    32-bit preview options only enabled if a 32-bit image is loaded.

    Particle modifiers extended with shape and falloff; particle emitter force include/exclude list.

    Advanced Render 2.5

    Ambient Occlusion
    Ambient Occlusion is simply a ratio of how much ambient light a surface point would be likely to receive. It simulates a huge dome light surrounding the entire scene. If a surface point is under a foot or table, it will end up much darker than the top of someone's head or the tabletop. This can then be multiplied by various other surface attributes to achieve a subtle, but very powerful, lighting effect.

    The SKY shader is a brand new development. It boasts a complete Cloud Wizard that allows the user to create or even paint volumetric clouds. Presets for global positions (cities, longitude/latitude) can be created and saved via the browser. Rainbows, fog and sunbeams are rendered, as well as accurate star-placement at night (including our complete solar system).
    The user can either pick a location and let the Wizard handle the rest, or use the control center to adjust every parameter imaginable to create a custom environment.
    There are also user settings, similar to Sketch and Toon that hide the majority of the parameters in 'beginner' mode.

    Color Mapping
    This post effect is basically a color correction tool, allowing the user to adjust the gamma and brightness range of the image, extending the dynamic range, and making architectural renderings in particular more appealing.

    Preset Handling
    The SKY preset directory can be set in the Preferences. You can jump directly to the SKY presets when you choose Open Browser from the Plugins/SKY menu.

    TIP: You can bake reflections of a chrome sphere that you place within a SKY environment as HDRI, allowing you to make perfectly unwrapped HDR-panoramas.

    GI: Show Illumination in Prepass
    If enabled, you'll see the full illumination during the prepass.

  • #2
    شكرا جزيلا أخي ربييين
    Abu Ramzi


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