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الله اكبر الله اكبر دخول حوالي 30 الف أمرأة لدين الأسلام

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  • الله اكبر الله اكبر دخول حوالي 30 الف أمرأة لدين الأسلام

    الله اكبر الله اكبر لقد بداء ظهور الحق ونصرة الله لدينه بتزايد عدد المسلمون ومعتنقين الدين الأسلامي فى كل انحاء العالم وذلك كلما حاولوا الكفرة محاربة الأسلام كلما زاد الله من قوة الأسلام ومن معتنقينه
    الله اكبر الله اكبر
    اليكم هذا الخبر الذي يثلج الصدور والله يا أخوان ....فى اخر اخبار للصحيفة الرسمية السويسرية swissinfo فى صفحاتها الاولى والتي جاء فيها اخر احصائيات لمجموع عدد النساء اللاتي اعتنقن دين الأسلام حوالي 30 الف مرأة سويسرية فى سويسرا ......الله اكبر الله اكبر
    وهذا المصدر يا اخواني


    وهذا الخبر نقلا عن ماجاء فيها

    Around 30,000 women in Switzerland have converted to Islam, according to a recent report by an organisation for Muslim women.

    In an interview with swissinfo, Monica Nur Sammour-Wüst, one of those to have made the switch, speaks about her beliefs and her life as a Muslim in Switzerland.

    Although raised as a Protestant, 35-year-old Nur Sammour-Wüst feels she has always been a Muslim.

    She converted to Islam over a decade ago and looks back to an event in Sunday school as a harbinger of the change that was to come.

    “The teacher told us that God sees and hears everything, but that he sent his son Jesus as an intermediary to the world,” she recalls.

    “I went home and told my mother that if God sees and hears everything, I don’t need a mediator.”

    “Now, as a Muslim, if I pray for help, I pray directly,” says Nur Sammour-Wüst. “Direct communication with God is a basic tenet of Islam.”

    Fear of death

    In 1991, at the age of 22, she met and married her first husband, a Lebanese.

    “During that time I was always asking myself questions, especially about death. I didn’t find the answers I sought in Christianity – there, death is a taboo subject.”

    Her husband, on the other hand, who had lived through war, did not understand the Western fear of death – although, like her, he was only 22.

    “For him, everything was clear, because in Islam death is clearly defined,” she says.

    “I started to learn more about Islam, and at one point suddenly I knew. I already believed in God, in the prophets, in the angels, in predestination, in resurrection. I was already Muslim, I just had never realised it. In 1992 I officially converted.”

    After her first husband died in a car accident, Nur Sammour-Wüst remarried – again to a Lebanese. But after six years they divorced.

    Muslim family

    Now a single mother, she is raising her son and two daughters as Muslims.

    “I am responsible for them – also religiously – until they are 18 years old,” she says. “At home we live and practise Islam, and the children accept it. I think it’s normal for them.”

    And should one of her children no longer want anything to do with Islam?

    “My most fervent wish to God is that this does not happen. It would be awful for me, because to me Islam is a way of life. It is not like a shirt that you simply change.”

    Still, she feels religion and belief cannot be forced on anyone. “If, in the worst case, a child no longer wants anything to do with Islam, then upon reaching adulthood he or she must take responsibility for that decision.”

    No exception

    A common preconception is that Muslim women sit at home and are not allowed to go out in public. Nur Sammour-Wüst, who leads an active life, denies she is an exception because she is Swiss.

    “In the time of the prophet Mohammed, 1,400 years ago, women were politically and intellectually active. The notion of house-bound women tied to the stove is patriarchal, not religious.”

    According to Nur Sammour-Wüst, Muslim women in Switzerland often complain that they face more problems than their Swiss counterparts who have converted to Islam.

    She puts much of this down to a failure to learn the language.

    “They absolutely have to learn German,” she says. “The prophet Mohammed also said that when you live somewhere, learn the language that the people speak so you can communicate.”

    “In my view, if Muslim women live in Switzerland, they should be able to speak the language. If they learn German, constructive discussions can take place.”

    swissinfo, Jean-Michel Berthoud

    اللــــــــــــــــــــــــــــه أكبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر

  • #2
    خبر اكثر من رائع والحمد لله والشكر له


    • #3
      ماشاء الله
      سبحان الله وبحمده ..... سبحان الله العظيم


      • #4
        رب ضارة نافعة
        اللهم اغفر وارحم خالتي يارحم الراحمين

        للدخول الى موقعي

        سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك

        أشهد الا اله الا انت

        أستغفرك وأتوب اليك


        • #5
          هذا الخبر قديم شويه

          وانا اعتقد انهم يسبون الاسلام في اعلامهم لكي لا يحدث مثل ما حدث في سويسرا وغيرها من اسلام الالاف من النصارى


          • #6
            المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Former
            هذا الخبر قديم شويه

            وانا اعتقد انهم يسبون الاسلام في اعلامهم لكي لا يحدث مثل ما حدث في سويسرا وغيرها من اسلام الالاف من النصارى
            ولكن الله ينصر دينه ولو كره الكافرون


            • #7
              الله أكبر .
              الله أكبر.
              الله أكبر.
              ولله الحمد.

              عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال
              : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( إن لله تعالى أهلين من الناس . قالوا : يا رسول الله من هم ؟ قال : هم أهل القرآن أهل الله وخاصته ) . (صحيح الجامع2165)


              • #8
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر
                الله اكبر

                بأبي أنت وأمي يا رسول الله

                فدتك نجد و طيبة ومكة وأرض الأسراء

                اللهم احشرني مع نبيك يوم يكون اللقاء

                اجمل شئ في الحياة حينما تكتشف اناس قلوبهم مثل اللؤلؤ المكنون في الرقة والبريق والنقاء قلوبهم مثل افئدة الطير
                اللهم اني احبهم فيك

                لك نصحي وما عليك جدالي ........وافة النصح ان يكون جدال

                دعوة لحفظ القرآن الكريم عن طريق المنتدى


                • #9
                  بسم الله
                  الله اكبر
                  سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

                  أحب الصالحين ولست منهم لعلي أنـال بهـم شفاعـة

                  وأكره من تجارته المعاصى و لو كلنا سواء في البضاعة


