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مقابلة مع العالم Erwin Coumans ... رجل عبقري بالفيزياء ويعمل بشركة sony وبشركة Havok

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  • مقابلة مع العالم Erwin Coumans ... رجل عبقري بالفيزياء ويعمل بشركة sony وبشركة Havok

    لقد عملت مقابلة مع ايروين كومانز ....
    رجل عبقري بالفيزياء ويعمل بشركة sony وبشركة Havok

    وهافوك هو محرك الفيزياء الاقوى على الاطلاق (الذي تأتي بعض صفاته مع الماكس)

    موقعه ...

    وله محرك فيزياء خاص به يدعى bULLET ....

    BULLET = الرصاصة

    وهو يستخدم في العاب الــــ PS2 , PLAY STATION 2 ويستخدم في محرك الالعاب مفتوح المصدر bLENDER ,

    كما يمكن استخدام محركه في Xbox وغيره
    المهم ....

    المقابلة كانت طويلة جدا لكنه مشغول فاجاب عن اقصر واهم الاسئلة باختصار


    i made a small interview with Erwin
    and it was like that ...

    // start

    Hi Erwin ,
    how the Bullet idea came to your mind ?

    what was your specialization in the university ?

    computer science/computer graphics

    when did you start your journey of Bullet or computer

    Back in 1985 I got a commodore 64...

    software devloping ?
    do you expect Bullet to become a famous physics engine ?
    specialy that it can be used in PS2 and other platforms .

    It needs to be useful, rather then famous :-)

    in your opinion ... what is the features (until now) that
    makes Bullet a good physics engine , specialy for blender

    Bullet collision detection is general-purpose, stacking works decent, and vehicle/constraints are fun and useful.

    did you work for organisation (company , cg group .. etc)
    before ?

    I worked for a dutch gamecompany, Havok, and currently for Sony, on Playstation 3

    what is your goals for Bullet ? , what would you add for it
    in this time . , we want an easy GUI ...

    Adding better COLLADA physics support, better user interface, improving it, make it a useful tool for many game developers.

    and what about the OGRE_BULLET project ? (we need details here)
    and will it be released (even as demo) in 2006
    are you looking for someone to share you upgrading Bullet ?
    how much time it will take to make Bullet , a well known and
    famous physics engine ?
    since you now how blender game engine is structured , do
    you think that it will handle more polygons than it can
    now ... ?

    better ask snailrose/Charlie about graphics / OGRE

    do you get bored sometimes of being a devloper ?
    what kind of Music you listen at between a time and an other
    if someone gived you 3,000,000 dollars to leave upgrading
    Bullet forever , would you agree ?

    I enjoy development, so I would take the money and develop some other useful thing.

    what it feels to have a Physics engine
    created by you ? do you feel that you are special ?

    It's motivating to develop your own software and see it being used.

    can we see you ?

    visit SIGGRAPH, Blender BOF or COLLADA BOF


    // end

    thanks for reading ....

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