Unconfigured Ad Widget



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    السلام عليكم

    Number of faces of the final low-poly model: 225
    1. Using Polygons tools > Create Polygon Tool and making sure Append to Polygon is on will get you a similar mesh to the one below, keeping in mind that all polygons must always have 4 sides:
    2. And you continue to build the mesh in this way:
    3. Select the highlighted faces and...
    4. ... do extrude (or bevel) so that the mesh looks like the one shown below:
    5. Here we'll make the first "cut" in the mesh, following the orange line in the figure:
    6. Here we'll make a new cut, to the side of the previous one, creating another Loop:

    8. Here, we'll change a little the direction of the loops. Repair the missplaced vertices from the previous figure. Select the highlighted faces...
    9. ... and do another extrude to make the ear cannal:
    10. To add detail, always use the method shown below. This is the correct way to add detail of this type and keep the mesh all quad:

    11. Edit this region, mobing the polygons:
    12. To give some volume to the ear, extrude the external edges 2 times, as highlighted:
    13. First test of subdivision. The ear should look like this:
    14. Moving some vertices, edit the mesh until you have all the anatomical details, as you can see from the low-poly version:
    15. ... and the smoothed version:
    16. The back part of the ear should look like this:
    17. ... and like this smoothed:
    18. The ear viewed from the back, the ear should have a shape similar to this:
    19. After moving some vertices and adding some details, this is final result in low-poly...
    20. ... and smoothed:

    بسم الله الذى لا يضر مع اسمه شيئ فى الارض ولا فى السماء وهو السميع العليم
    لا اله الا انت سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين
    الهى يظن الناس بى خيرا وانى
    لشر الناس ان لم تعفو عنــــــــى
    اتقى الله اينما كنت
    والزم الاستغفار
    فقلت استغفروا ربكم انه كان غفارا

  • #2
    دروس مفيدة جدا فعلا .

