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للطموحين بإنشاء شركات تصميم.. معلومات عن Blue Sky Studios

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  • للطموحين بإنشاء شركات تصميم.. معلومات عن Blue Sky Studios

    [CENTER]Blue Sky Studios

    [RIGHT]شركة شهيرة من أفلامها:

    Ice Age


    معلومات عن الأنظمة والأجهزة التي تمتلكها الشركة:

    - 250 عامل.
    - 500 معالج للرندر.
    - 200 محطة عمل تعمل بنظام (Linux) لينوكس.
    - 150 جهاز يعمل بنظام (MAC) بالإضافة إلى أجهزة PC.
    -إجمالي المساحة الموجودة على الأجهزة هي 30 تيرابايت .

    الشركة إمريكي مقرها في نيويورك..

    الموقع الرسمي لها:


    للراغبين بوظائف فيها:


    سأقوم بمراسلتهم عن البرنامج الذي يستخدمونه للتأكد فقط..

    لأني أعتقد أنهم يستخدمون برنامج من برمجتهم اسمه CGI Studio™

  • #2
    ماشاء الله كل هذا ,,,

    معلومات قيمه يعطيك العافيه

    ولو ممكن معلومات اكثر عن الأستوديوهات, من طرق توزيع العمل ,مثال ؟؟
    يعني مثلاً مقطع قصير, طريقة توزيع العمل على اكثر من شخص لتحريكه "واحد ممكن صعب"


    • #3
      المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة SMX مشاهدة المشاركة
      How do we work?

      Welcome to Blue Sky Studios, where we cultivate an atmosphere of artistic talent, enthusiasm and teamwork! The genesis of this combination came in our early days as a commercial studio and is now carried through to our award winning shorts and feature films.

      We'd like to take this time to showcase our departments and explore our pipeline process with you. Like all works of art our Directors and Development team seek out inspiration as well as embrace it when it stumbles upon them. Our most recent example is our second feature film, Robots. While moving from Harrison to White Plains, NY we found some old machinery and our director, Chris Wedge, came up with the idea for a Robot City. With some patience, trial and error and elbow grease we created Robot City and its myriad of inhabitants.

      As with Robots, once the idea is born and a script written, we place the written words in the hands of our storyboard artists who begin to visualize the plot as well as the characters.

      As the written actions evolve into fuller sequences, the characters along with the environments they inhabit grow more detail with the help of our character designers and design team. As each set is created, crafted, and constructed, our characters follow a parallel evolution becoming taller, shorter, fatter and cuter or uglier, gaining the individual traits that will only become more enhanced as the process continues.

      Once our Art Director and Director sign off on the look of the characters — since we're an animation studio — the next step is to actualize everything in what will become his or her 3D playground. At the forefront of this transition is the Modeling department.

      Our Modelers take the 2D design and begin to build its 3D counterpart in the computer. Once their dimensions are established, and their look is consistent with their 2D design, we hand off the models to our Rigging department.

      The Rigging department evaluates the model, taking into account the action required by the script and inserts a computer generated skeleton with a set of controls that offer all the functionality needed to make the character or prop perform. If Blue Sky were a puppet factory, then the Rigging department would be responsible for attaching the strings that the Animators would use to put on the puppet-show.

      Layout does just what the name implies, they create the map that the sequence will follow. Layout places the characters and props, establishes the camera angle, and incorporates the geometry of the background so we all know what will happen before we make it happen.

      Next is Animation, where the full life of the characters takes hold. For example, when Fender needs to dance in Robots, Animation choreographs the dance as well as makes him perform. When background characters need to move in a crowd scene, it is the animators that give them subtle movement, creating "extras" out of otherwise secondary models. Once the action is cemented and the performances meet the expectations of our directors, the sequence continues down the pipeline where it will receive its details and finishing touches.

      Once we establish the audience's perception of the film and the characters are at their most functional, the details are applied through several departments. Materials, Lighting, Effects and sometimes Fur all step in to finalize the vision of the film.

      During Robots our core protagonists are "the Rusties", and well... they needed to be treated with rust. Similarly, Big Weld's door is a combination of copper and nickel. Our Materials department studied the way these elements react to light, how they appear in the dark, took into account countless other variables, and then built them as textures. In Ice Age the fur on our mammoth, Manny, is thicker than our sloth, Sid, leading to different treatments that are now stored in our vast library here at Blue Sky.

      As the details of our characters take hold, we need to address the finer nuances of the action in the story. This is where we bring in our special effects and lighting departments. Some of the actions in our stories require special effects similar to a live action film in order to create what can not be achieved in reality, or to simply create a more extreme reality. A fantastic example of this occurs in Ice Age where our heroes are crossing an ice bridge with molten lava being shot up like geysers; it was our effects team that created the explosion. When an action needs to be impressive, surreal or explosive you'll know our effects team was present.

      Towards the end of our process we have the Lighting department. Since every scene and every moment has a time of day, it is our lighters who come in to add the sun, the moon, shadows or anything that will persuade our audience to understand the time frame, and heighten the mood. As all of this comes together, we then have to render our imagery to see how it went.

      The rendering team comes in when it's time to compile all of the detailed pieces of each shot into film resolution frames. They make sure all the pieces of technology our creative teams created flow together to become what you see on the big screen. If shots still need polish after rendering, the Paint artists come in and touch them up so you don't even know what you missed.

      Editorial is hard at work through the whole process, cutting the film together in an endless array of versions for the directors evaluate its flow. They are constantly busy cropping, rearranging, and replacing shots, recording scratch tracks, and inserting sound effects and music throughout the film until it is just right. Their department is constantly busy throughout the entire production.

      When it's all put together, we send the digital reels out to be printed to film to see how it looks. Which is where you come in...

      هذه طريقة العمل وتوزيع العمل في شركة Blue Sky Studios


      • #4
        شركة عملاقة يكفي فلم آيس إيج و روبوتز بالنسبة للبرنامج فأعتقد أنه مايا


        • #5
          45 أنيمتور
          ليهم الإسكربتات الخاصه بيهم فى كل المجالات
          بلاجن الفرو اللى بيستخدموه من تصميمهم
          الأأنيمتور بيعمل فى الفلم الواحد معدل من 4 : 6 دقايق فى البروجكت الواحد
          عندهم زنقه جامده فى الشغل عشان معاد تسليم الفلم الجديد Horton Hears aWho فى مارس 2008 و خللصو منه تحريك حوالى 25 % تقريبا..
          بيستخدمو مايا و الأغصدار اللى بيعملو بيه الفلم الجديد مايا 7 و هيسخدمو فرجن أكبر فى المشروع الجاى
          إحتمال يعمللو فى 2009 فلم ICE AGE3
          *المعلومات دى من Animator شغال هناك
          M HAMMAD

          الله--سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم--المستعان
          قال الأنيمتور المناضل منعم كامل :
          لو لم أكن أنيمتور لوددت أن أكون أنيمتور


          • #6
            MN3M... ما شاء الله عليك...

            عمرك 93 سنة وعندك معارف في blue sky

            على فكرة.. ice age3 نزل بالسوق من حوالي 7 أو 8 أشهر

            وحقق أرباح في الشهور الأولى لعرضه فاقت 192 مليون دولار..

            وكذلك عرضت mbc4 لقاءات بمناسبة صدور الجزء الثالث..


            • #7
              أخوي Mn3m ممكن تفيدنا ؟ لوعندك معلومات عن الرندر الي يستخدمونه


              • #8
                بص هوا أنيمتور لذلك معلوماته قليله عن الريندر بس كل اللى قالهولى إنه فى حاجه زى حجره كامله فيها معالجات ريندر بس ( تقريبا اسمها ريندر فارم )
                اللى اعرفه إن الرندر قوى جدا و هما بيستخدمو رندر عادى جدا من المايا مش بلاجن خارجى و دايما بيضيفو حجات جديده بإسكربتات هما اللى بيعملوها و بيغيرو حجات كتير سواء فى الريجنج أو الرندر أو..أو.. أو.. لاكن الباقى الله أعلم !!

                على فكره مفيش حاجه اسمها Ice Age3 حاول تراجع نفسك
                M HAMMAD

                الله--سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم--المستعان
                قال الأنيمتور المناضل منعم كامل :
                لو لم أكن أنيمتور لوددت أن أكون أنيمتور


                • #9
                  شكراً على المعلومات أنا فعلاً زرت موقعهم ورأيت معالجات الرندر والذي أدهشني جداً في الشركة روعة تصيير فلم روبوتز
                  فهو فعلاً يستحقق المشاهدة

