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إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • #46
    تقدم جميل يا دكتور
    نصيحتي لك
    chaos = realism


    • #47
      بسم الله


      .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
      .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


      • #48
        هلا ام اس بي ...
        شكرا حبيبي
        بس ما فهمتك وات دو يو مين ؟؟؟
        .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
        .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


        • #49
          الفوضى = الواقعية

          انظر حولك ستلاحظ ان الأشياء غير مرتبة...مهما حاولت لن تجدها بشكل ممتاز...هذا من اهم خصائص الواقعية
          هذا مقال مخزنه على الكمبيوتر لا اذكر الموقع
          عملت نسخ للاشياء المتعلقة بال chaos

          Welcome to the first installment of the 'Reality Clinic". In this continuing column you'll be getting very familiar with my neurosis for detail. Sure, being neurotic can be considered a bad thing but when it comes to 3D images, well, it's definitely a good thing.

          I remember a conversation I had with one of my modelers several months ago. We were critiquing an image we I had just completed for an animated short film. While he was very impressed with the photorealistic quality of the image, he was also concerned that it was too cluttered... too cluttered? Let's examine that statement. Saying that a photoreal image is too cluttered is sort of an oxymoron. That's like saying ball is too round. 3D artists have become accustomed to seeing purity in computer generated images. We've seen so much of it that it has altered our perception of reality. We've come to accept neat and spotless images as photoreal. The term 'photorealistic' implies that the image resembles a photograph. In other words, it mimics reality. Somewhere along the line the term 'photoreal' has been downgraded to meaning something that's close to realistic but not quite there.

          The same thing happened with the term 'interactive' in the multimedia industry. Suddenly every program was interactive! The reality was that only a handful of the programs were actually 'interactive'. As 3D artists we need to strive for more. We can't stop at close to photoreal and make the jump to realistic by simply calling it photoreal. The difference between a near photoreal image and one that's truly realistic is marginal. It's all a matter of taking the time to add the subtle detail that transforms the image into something photoreal.

          If you are willing to dedicate yourself to taking that extra step towards realism then keep reading and get ready for a little chaos!

          What makes an image photoreal? Actually there are literally thousands of things that make an image photoreal but they all fall into 10 categories that I call 'The Principles of Photoreal 3D'. These principles are the guidelines to ensuring an image is photoreal.

          The 10 Principles of Photoreal 3D:

          1. Clutter & Chaos
          2. Personality & Expectations
          3. Believability
          4. Surface Texture
          5. Specularity
          6. Dirt, Dust and Rust
          7. Flaws, Scratches and Dings
          8. Beveled Edges
          9. Object Material Depth
          10. Radiosity

          All you need to do is take a look at your image and compare it with the 10 principles of photoreal 3D. Your image must conform to at least 8 of principles for your image to be considered truly photoreal. For example, an 'out of the box', factory new object, would not require principles 6 & 7 because it is new, but it would still need the other 8 principles to be photoreal.

          There you have it. Ten simple principles to use as guidelines in your photoreal 3D endeavors. What are they all about? I was hoping you would ask.

          This installment of the "Reality Clinic" will outline the first three principles so you have a basic understanding of their application. In the coming next issues we'll cover the remaining 7 principles.

          Figure 1.1 Photorealism applied!
          Figure 1.1 Photorealism applied!
          Let's take a moment to examine the first three principles by seeing how they were applied to the image in Figure 1.1. Before we get started with the principles, it's important to understand the background behind the image. This helps you to understand how and why the Principles of Photoreal 3D were applied to the image.

          'Dwellers' is a 3D animated short film currently in production at Komodo Studio, a 3D studio in Southern California. It's about a race of cognitive thinking robotic creatures that were created by an old toy maker named Papagaio. Papagaio created the first Dweller, Gizmo, in his basement workshop. To make a short story even shorter, Papagaio built Gizmo out of discarded junk and parts he scavenged from both new and old items. The Dwellers are built from actual real-world parts. This helps to establish their photoreal credibility. This also helps determine the modeling and surfacing attributes... not to mention the mechanics of motion.

          Figure 1.1 shows Gizmo on Papagaio's workbench where he was created. The scene takes place at around 1am in the basement of Papagaio's house. He doesn't want anyone to find out about the Dwellers so he only uses a shoplight to illuminate the workbench. He's just finished adding the circuit board, which is Gizmo's brain. The scene has captured the moment at which Gizmo comes to life.

          Now that you have a basic understanding of the story behind the scene, let's take a look at those Principles of Photoreal 3D and see how they were applied to the 'Dwellers' image.

          There is much more to photorealism than applying real image textures to your objects. The way that you stage a scene can impact the realism. For example, a table with all the chairs rotated at 90 degree angles and moved to the exact same distance from the table looks too planned. Even if the textures are amazingly real the scene will end up looking like a shot of Barbie's dream house. It just won't look natural. It is important to add chaos and clutter to your 3D scenes to paint a little reality in the picture.

          Clutter is one of the most obvious traits of reality. The common problem in most 3D rendered scenes is the lack of clutter -- they're too sterile. Everything is neatly arranged. I don't know about your world but the world I live in is in complete chaos. Look around your home or office. What do you see? Well, if it's anything like my studio you see stacks of reference books, piles of papers, floppies, zips and an assortment of knick-knacks. Basically, pure CHAOS.

          Reality is pure chaos. Chaos doesn't mean that everything is completely disorganized. There is actually order in chaos. Chaos means that everything in the scene cannot be aligned perfectly. You can create order by putting all the chess pieces on the board but chaos dictates that they will be rotated at slightly different angles and none of them will be in the middle of their space. There is no uniformity in reality yet, for some reason, 3D rendered scenes defy reality by neatly arranging everything. Actually, the reason is simple. 3D programs present us with countless tools for engineering our creations. Because we are submerged in this engineering environment we feel compelled to be linear in our thinking. It's far too easy to get caught up in the rigidity of 3D engineering. You need to break loose of the engineering binds of 3D and experience the creative side. Try to make it a habit to place things out of alignment in your scenes. Not dramatically out of alignment, because that would be too much chaos, but a little out of alignment. You'll see it makes a big difference in the photorealism of the scene.

          Now let's see how the Clutter & Chaos Principle was applied to the workbench scene. Take another look at Figure 1.1. You'll notice an abundance of clutter. This is a workbench, and I haven't seen a workbench that is neatly arranged...particularly when it's in use. There are nuts, bolts and screws scattered everywhere. And yet, there is still an element of order in the tools that are neatly stored on the wall rack. You can't go wrong by combining chaos and order. Notice the subtle chaos in the scene. One of the two batteries has fallen over. The camera box is turned away from the wall slightly. The needle nose pliers are open and the red wire isn't coiled perfectly. Probably the best use of chaos is the hot soldering iron that is burning the workbench. I don't recommend doing this in your workshop, but I don't recall the last time I saw anyone use a heat sink with a soldering iron... that would be too much of a hassle for the busy craftsman.

          Speaking of the craftsman, it's very important to understand the personality of the characters involved in your scene. This takes us to the next Principle of Photoreal 3D: Personality & Expectations.


          • #50
            really coooooooOooooool
            .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
            .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


            • #51
              ما شاء الله عليك اخي البووووووووووف
              اشتقت لاعمالك الجميلة

              بانتظار اكمال المشروع

              والف الف مبروك عالموقع الجديد والجميل

              بالتوفيق ان شاء الله


              • #52
                هلا والله ياغالي الله يبارك فيك ويسلمك
                .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
                .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


                • #53
                  السلام عليكم.
                  الموضوع أكثرمن رائع.
                  Dr.BOF أنا عندي مشكله في تصميم الغرف وهي أني إذا عملت مقايس الغرفه واقعية مثلا (m4xm5xm3) ألاحظ ان التناسب الغرفه مع مكوناتها مو واقعي. هل المشكلة في زاوية الكاميره أو في القاييس.
                  للأسف انا ما فهمت شي من المقالة اللي ذكرها الاخ MSB لاني الانجليزي عندي تعبان. ياريت لو تلخص الفكرة العامة للمقال او على الاقل وش قصد الكاتب.
                  على فكرة WwW.BoF3D.CoM أفضل موقع شخصي شفته حتى الان.
                  التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة BIG WILLY; 20 / 07 / 2005, 01:48 PM. سبب آخر: خطا أملائي
                  FOR A WEEK GET LOVER
                  FOR MONTH GET MARRIED
                  FOREVER GET A FRIEND


                  • #54
                    شكرا حبيبي ... جزاك الله خير ونور بصيرتك ...
                    بالنسبة للكاميرا لو تلاحظ انه الصور اللي باحطها وكانها ممطوطة
                    وهذا بسبب اخيار عدسة الكامير 15
                    لانه لو كانت عادية ومع الحجم الواقعي العادي لن يظهر الغرفة ...
                    اما بالنسبة للكلام اللي وضعه اخونا الغالي فهو يدور حول موضوع البحث عن الواقعية ويلخصلك الموضوع في عشر نقاط يجب مراعاتها للحصول على مشهد واقعي ..
                    ومنها تأثر الاجسام بالغبار والوصخ ونحوه ...
                    وكذلك اللي جلب الموضوع هذا هنا وهو البعثرة ...
                    .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
                    .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


                    • #55
                      بسم الله


                      .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
                      .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


                      • #56
                        عمل رائع أخي BoF


                        • #57
                          شكرا حبيبي موروكان جزاك الله خير ..
                          .::سبحان الله وبحمده...سبـحان الله العظيم::.
                          .:اللهم إنا نسألك فعل الخيرات وترك المنكرات وحب المساكين:.


                          • #58
                            ماشاء الله ممتاز، فيها تلفزيون وبلاي ستيشن؟


                            • #59
                              حلو يالبوف تاابع والله العمل قمه والسرير الوااطي اموت فيه ولا تنسى تخلي الفرشه اقل طول وعرض من السرير
                              يكون احلى وتكون معفسه وارجوا لك التوفيق حبيبي
                              عدد مشآإركآإتك لا تدل على أنك [الآفضل]...ولكن كلاآمك الجميل ..وآخلاآقك الرفيـــعـه..
                              أخوكم ..أبو ساـطان



                              • #60
                                تطور جميل اخى بوف
                                !!!جميع الدروس المعمارية المجانية والغير المجانية والمشاريع المعمارية الكاملة !!!!

