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Ps3 رسميا في الاسواق الامريكية

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  • #16
    ua gears of war looks like killzone ..but with more gore...they are going to realse it for pc in 2007 .....


    • #17
      im not sure but....
      are you really from the states cause i see a lot of mistakes in your writings???
      and what's your reason for not writing in arabic letters and words ???
      please answer me about this
      gears of war not that good you see
      it's like halo 2 with more 3d objects and higher a little bit res in its textures than the other old games in xbox 1
      people don't want to believe that
      im really not sure


      • #18
        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Artistic.M مشاهدة المشاركة
        لا غلطان اخي
        فيه محل او ما جاء الإكسبوكس 360 اول ايامه كان عنده نسخة وعرض عليه زبون يشتريها ب15000 ريال
        اسم المحل بيت الكمبيوتر
        بجنب الفيصلية
        بالنسبة للبلاي3 المحل هذا قالي احد اخوياي انه حاط نسخة للعرض وانه موصل سهرخا ل 12 الف
        فأتمنى انك ما تخطأني المرة الثانية عن عبث وتتحقق من كلامك
        ادخل منتدى المنتدى وادخل منتدى البلايستيشن العام وشف واحد له موضوع اسمه مكالمة تكشف نصب ....إلخ
        المهم ان كنت بالغت فانا اسحب كلامي لأني لم ارى بنفسي بخصوص البلاي ستيشن3 لكن بالنسبة للإكس بوكس 360 الي اتذكره اني سمعت الكلام من راعي المحل الأشقر صاحب الإبتسامة اللامعة
        وشف الموضوع زين
        وشكراً اخي العزيز
        روح محل قصر الزعيم بالروضه و شوف ....لحد الآن 4 أجهزة أنباعت و بعدين أسمه بلاي ستيشن 3 مو بلاي 3

        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Artistic.M مشاهدة المشاركة
        بعدين صحح مافيه مسافة بين الdot والـartistic

        قوة ملاحظة
        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Artistic.M مشاهدة المشاركة
        man xbox 360 is cool
        i really liked it
        specially if you have the ability to talk well in english
        because you know xbox live needs someone like you who can talk on both the two languages
        a lot of arab players play in it
        most of them are saudis and gulf people
        it's time 4 me to correct u >>>>

        u wrote the word specially while u must right the letter E before it
        and that's not the only mistake>>>>
        u have some mistakes in the writing
        will.... c u later
        and about the thread u talked about ... it dosen't prove anything....
        i really didn't c it coz it's title is funny
        فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا

        اللهم أغفرللمسلمين و المسلمات ,الأحياء و الأموات


        • #19
          ما شاء الله


          • #20
            ps3 not good because its dont save time many of pepole
            but it enjoyable and it face extinction because poacher !!!! word wilde
            also the desert dont need it and rhinoceros is need for warden
            hahahaeee >>>>
            سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم


            • #21
              u wrote the word specially while u must right the letter E before it
              i really don't know what's wrong with you
              play 3 is a short form of playstation3 you know it i know but you're trying to dig in nothing
              and about the E
              it isn't that important, try to use a translator and see by yourself
              or open this page to see by yourself
              in this page you'll see that specially is more common
              but i think that you have nothing to do except tracking people's words to show of your unproved talent that you think that you've got it
              but you don't have anything
              at least i speak arabic and i know a lot of english but i prefer arabic cause it's my native language rather than copying other countries cultures like you
              you know if you go there and use your personality that you think it makes you perfect
              then allah's mercy be on you
              using some black people slangs form musics lyrics won't make you perfect but it will make you a big joke to them
              most of this respected forum members know that
              but instead of commenting on people's mistakes in non-connected content to the website purpose try to do something that has a conent related to it
              maybe one of your family member are pushing you and encouraging you to do something good which i see in you
              but that doesn't mean that all pepole must treat you the same son
              please i may forgot something to say or put ungood thing in this reply
              but know that there is nothing i have against you
              and i may made some mistakes in grammer or words
              but that isn't matter
              this is a graphics website not an english teaching forum
              don't make the others laughs at the way you're acting
              let us not to play the "who's the best'' game cause it's only for under age persons
              that's all
              وشكراً !


              • #22
                لكل واحد له وجهة نظر ....


                • #23
                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Artistic.M مشاهدة المشاركة
                  im not sure but....
                  are you really from the states cause i see a lot of mistakes in your writings???
                  and what's your reason for not writing in arabic letters and words ???
                  please answer me about this
                  gears of war not that good you see
                  it's like halo 2 with more 3d objects and higher a little bit res in its textures than the other old games in xbox 1
                  people don't want to believe that
                  im really not sure
                  ok first of all let me start by telling you this
                  iam dyslexic so allot of my letters are weird....anyway regarding why iam typing in English .let ask you something people......WHY THE HELL IS THIS S PROBLEM FOR YOU?this isnt the first time when some ingnornat person asks me that ....or askes me to write in Arabic...and to be honest people on this forum are starting to piss me off....iam not saying this because of your comment but but because of your ignorant thougth (are you sure your in the US
                  )what kind dumb question is that .....you are either acting stupid ..or telling me that iam laying ..so to end this stupid shrade let me tell you this one last time
                  1)i only type in English because i don't have an Arabic key bored and even if i have one i will still type in English because i feel like it..deal with it ......
                  2)keep your opinion to your self about other people ...having allot of posts doesn't make you smart...it just mean your a loser with alot of time of his hands.
                  3)i will continue to write to miss spell and posting without checking and to who ever don't like ....i have a sweet spot for you to kiss......
                  as for you artistic dude...if didn't figure out why i write in English then god help you ...and by the way ..before you comment on other people writing look at yours..you put words together like 2 year old...then you go ahead writing a full page off(tryig to be smart comments) i mean what the hell man......let me explain...1) play 3 play 3 is a short form of playstation3 NO ITS NOT.....the ps was never ,Never called play 3..its ps,ps2,ps3 unless that's what you call it.then its something that you made up.
                  2) specially.......dude iam dyslexic and a very bad speller to add to it and that made me laugh ......where do you come up with this stuff....what are you talking about is brit english
                  3)but i think that you have nothing to do except tracking people's words to show of your unproved talent that you think that you've got it: you started all of this by trying to do what your condoning the guy for doing .....so befor you say that to him ..say it to your self...

                  4)at least i speak Arabic and i know a lot of English but i prefer Arabic cause it's my native language rather than copying other countries cultures like you:copying other cultures...are you retarded or something ..since when speaking other languages is copying culture..i speak Arabic ,English,Spanish and Italian....this doesn't mean iam copying other cultures ..it means that iam interested in other cultures .....
                  5) using some black people slang's form musics lyrics won't make you perfect but it will make you a big joke to them: true....but all of your post is full of slang that you most likely heard on a 50 cent vid or something.....son....lol....

                  6)now back to main comment about the spelling that started this whole thing .....DUDE YOU CANT SPELL FOR S*** ..yes ...not even grammar ...you write on a second grad level...but i wont pinpoint them because i would lower my self to a nigger ...........

                  in the end my man ..this forum is for art so lets keep it that way....and iam sorry that i heart your feeling but you attacked me them attacked the other guy on this post..so i had to break reality for you .....you not better than us .......


                  • #24
                    First English is not a talent it’s a knowledge ..
                    Second I’m not trying 2 show anybody my English…. Coz I know my self pretty good and I don’t need any body 2 testify .. third about the thing u said about my family and my personal life … it’s really not ur business is it? J
                    fourth slang stuff is a cool thing not as bad as u think …. J
                    And fifth I really am confident so I need no 1 to teach me where 2 go or what 2 Do
                    And finally no body in this forum has anything against anybody So stop fooling around man and Be FRANK! And if u r playing this kind of games I’m not J
                    p.s” your structure in the writing is so poor ….. try 2 get some lessons from anybody…. It will help u in ur life J

                    and about the thing u said -but instead of commenting on people's mistakes in non-connected content to the website purpose try to do something that has a conent related to it-

                    There is a mistake that I want u 2 figure out…. And I can’t reply with a design J

                    That’s all I wanna say and thanx..

                    Another “PS”:I speak English when u do to reply on ur comment J
                    And if u wanna reply just do it wiz z personal messages coz the thread is not about English J

                    C ya
                    فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا

                    اللهم أغفرللمسلمين و المسلمات ,الأحياء و الأموات


                    • #25
                      لكن نوعاً ما اكتشفوا ان الإكس بوكس 360 يقدم خدمة live وهي تتيح اللعب للجميع
                      من الذين اكتشفوا
                      الشياطين الحمر
                      ارجو مصدر المعلومات
                      للعلم العاب البلىستاشن 3 القويه لم تصدر بعد ولا يوجد لعبه قويه تستحق اللعب على الاكس بوكس سوى GEAR OF WAR
                      وهى فى الجرافيك اقل من عروض KILL ZONE
                      لاىشىء سوف يقف امام PLAYSTATION 3 وهاهى الجماهير امامك
                      !!!جميع الدروس المعمارية المجانية والغير المجانية والمشاريع المعمارية الكاملة !!!!


                      • #26
                        شاهدوا هدا العرض شباب
                        معكم رضا رئيس شركة PIXAR في المستقلب

                        Quand Tu Veux Tu Peux


                        • #27
                          يوسف راجع جيم سبوت
                          تقاييم الألعاب المشتركة بين الجهازين بلايستيشن3 اخذ اقل
                          وبعض المقارنات بينهم اتضح ان الإكس افضل
                          لكن لامشكلة البلاي3 أفضل ربما بسبب العابه الجميلة وكل الجهازين جميلين ويستحقان الإقتناء
                          ولا يصلح ان نذم احدهما بسبب عدم توفر كامل ميزانيتهما :d
                          حقيقة :d


                          • #28
                            ok first of all let me start by telling you this
                            iam dyslexic so allot of my letters are weird....anyway regarding why iam typing in English .let ask you something people......WHY THE HELL IS THIS S PROBLEM FOR YOU?this isnt the first time when some ingnornat person asks me that ....or askes me to write in Arabic...and to be honest people on this forum are starting to piss me off....iam not saying this because of your comment but but because of your ignorant thougth (are you sure your in the US
                            )what kind dumb question is that .....you are either acting stupid ..or telling me that iam laying ..so to end this stupid shrade let me tell you this one last time
                            1)i only type in English because i don't have an Arabic key bored and even if i have one i will still type in English because i feel like it..deal with it ......
                            2)keep your opinion to your self about other people ...having allot of posts doesn't make you smart...it just mean your a loser with alot of time of his hands.
                            3)i will continue to write to miss spell and posting without checking and to who ever don't like ....i have a sweet spot for you to kiss......
                            as for you artistic dude...if didn't figure out why i write in English then god help you ...and by the way ..before you comment on other people writing look at yours..you put words together like 2 year old...then you go ahead writing a full page off(tryig to be smart comments) i mean what the hell man......let me explain...1) play 3 play 3 is a short form of playstation3 NO ITS NOT.....the ps was never ,Never called play 3..its ps,ps2,ps3 unless that's what you call it.then its something that you made up.
                            2) specially.......dude iam dyslexic and a very bad speller to add to it and that made me laugh ......where do you come up with this stuff....what are you talking about is brit english
                            3)but i think that you have nothing to do except tracking people's words to show of your unproved talent that you think that you've got it: you started all of this by trying to do what your condoning the guy for doing .....so befor you say that to him ..say it to your self...

                            4)at least i speak Arabic and i know a lot of English but i prefer Arabic cause it's my native language rather than copying other countries cultures like you:copying other cultures...are you retarded or something ..since when speaking other languages is copying culture..i speak Arabic ,English,Spanish and Italian....this doesn't mean iam copying other cultures ..it means that iam interested in other cultures .....
                            5) using some black people slang's form musics lyrics won't make you perfect but it will make you a big joke to them: true....but all of your post is full of slang that you most likely heard on a 50 cent vid or something.....son....lol....

                            6)now back to main comment about the spelling that started this whole thing .....DUDE YOU CANT SPELL FOR S*** ..yes ...not even grammar ...you write on a second grad level...but i wont pinpoint them because i would lower my self to a nigger ...........

                            in the end my man ..this forum is for art so lets keep it that way....and iam sorry that i heart your feeling but you attacked me them attacked the other guy on this post..so i had to break reality for you .....you not better than us .......
                            i wanna tell you something
                            if that you wrote make you more respectable by writing english
                            kiss my asse if it is so
                            !!!جميع الدروس المعمارية المجانية والغير المجانية والمشاريع المعمارية الكاملة !!!!


                            • #29
                              يوسف راجع جيم سبوت
                              تقاييم الألعاب المشتركة بين الجهازين بلايستيشن3 اخذ اقل
                              وبعض المقارنات بينهم اتضح ان الإكس افضل
                              لكن لامشكلة البلاي3 أفضل ربما بسبب العابه الجميلة وكل الجهازين جميلين ويستحقان الإقتناء
                              ولا يصلح ان نذم احدهما بسبب عدم توفر كامل ميزانيتهما :d
                              حقيقة :d
                              هذا لعدم توافق محركات الالعاب مع بعض الاجهزة
                              على سبيل المثال البلاىستشان عامه يكون متوافق اكثر مع محركات الالعاب الشركات اليبانيه
                              ثم لا تعتمد كثيرا على تقدير الموقع فالفلوس بتعمل كل شىء وبعض الالاف الدولارات ممكن تخلى الاسكور 8 بدل 7 وهما نفس الللعبه
                              انا بعتمد على user review
                              نقطه اخرى
                              لا يمكن ايضا وضع مقارنه صحيحه بين الجهازين الان
                              يجب ان ننتظر بضع شهور حتى تكون الالعاب اليبانيه القويه قد حان وقت نزولها
                              !!!جميع الدروس المعمارية المجانية والغير المجانية والمشاريع المعمارية الكاملة !!!!


                              • #30
                                i will kiss it...becousei know you like it..but before i do let put a dress on you ..bend you over ...pull your hair and smack your butt and call you sally.......
                                first your whole sentence doesn't make sense..but if i understood it the way i think..then all what i have to say is this....LOOK UP AND READ MY POST YOU DUMB ASS.......what part didn't you understand from my keybored doesnt type arabic....the does or the not....i can see how smart you are but at the same time i can see how ignorant you are ......you are what i call a nigger..and to be honest i don't want to have nigger moment with you ......opps sorry i forgot your retarded....ok let me break it down for you
                                *NIgger moment : a moment in which ingnornace over runs the brain cuasing an outburst of aggression.....
                                see i guess what iam trying to say is :
                                SHUT THE F*** UP SALLY


